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Richmond, VA

Welcome to the Richmond User Group

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Watch! Recording and Recap of Q3 User Group Meeting.

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Hello Group Members!


Thanks to everyone who participated in our virtual meeting on September 24th! For those of you who were unable to join us, we offer the following recap, a link to the Recording of the Meeting  and the presentation slides (see attached).


A special thanks to Alex Martenco @Atenco01 with Gale Cengage for his presentation on Spatial Matching, Alex Cordero @alex with Lasso Data Partners for his updates on Alteryx Community, and to Carolyn Westlake @cwestlake with Seer Analytics and Chris Shernaman @ChrisS with Alteryx User Group for moderating and hosting the event.



Meeting Recap

• Matching Using Alteryx Spatial Tools
• Alteryx for Good Project in Richmond
• Community Updates


To kick things off, Alex Martenco presented Blending Disparate Data for Insights using Geospatial Tools. He showed his process and the Alteryx tools that he used to gain insights into the utilization of hospital bed capacity in Virginia for the treatment of COVID-19.  He used two publicly available sources of data, augmented those sets with spatial data from third-party sources, and then used spatial matching to create the final data set. There was limited opportunity for questions. So, please post your questions and comments on our site.


In the second presentation, John Hayes described the key features of Alteryx for Good for Nonprofit partnerships and called on members to recommend nonprofit organizations. Please post your recommendations and questions, or contact John @Hayes directly.


Lastly, Alex Cordero reviewed some of the key parts of the Community, including the NEW Community Search tool and the NEW Industry Discussion Forum. Log into Community regularly and take advantage of all the great content.


Follow Up 

  • Did you miss the meeting? For those of you who were unable to join us, we offer the following link to a Recording of the Meeting.


  • Share your expertise. The Richmond User Group is always looking for speakers who would like to share their use case or share their expertise in short-form trainings. Please let us know if you are interested in presenting.


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Hello everyone!   Attached is an abbreviated version of the presentation with the main concepts discussed.  The live Alteryx Designer demonstration within the video of the meeting supplements the details of these main concepts.   

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Hi Everyone!  We learn by doing, so attached you will find a simplified version of the workflow discussed during the meeting.  It contains two source files ( one as found publicly for Hospital Staffed Beds) the other one just a sample of 8 Virginia Health Districts Covid-19 Hospitalization data.   You may download and review it for your understanding of Geospatial matching. Cheers!