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Richmond, VA

Welcome to the Richmond User Group

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Subject: Recap – Q2 2020 Richmond User Group Meeting

7 - Meteor

Hello Group Members!


Thanks to everyone who participated in our first virtual meeting on May 28th! For those of you who were unable to join us, we offer the following recap, as well as a link to the Recording of the Meeting as well as the Presentation Deck (attached).


A special thanks to Alex Cordero, Lasso Data partners, for his two presentations, to Carolyn Westlake for her updates and tips on using Alteryx Community, and to Chris Shernaman, Alteryx User Group Coordinator, for hosting and moderating the event.





To kick things off, Alex presented his recommendations for Best Practices for Alteryx Design and Development. This is a topic that had been requested in previous surveys. There was a good follow-on discussion, but Alex intended his presentation to be a starting point for this topic, so please continue the discussion by posting on our site.


In the second presentation, Carolyn Westlake gave a refresher on how to navigate to the Richmond User Group site on Alteryx Community. If you join the local group, you’ll receive postings on upcoming meetings, recaps of meetings, and you can initiate and participate in discussions of interest to our local community.


Carolyn also highlighted the new Industry Discussion Forum and provided some tips on searching for answers to questions about Alteryx. While there was not time to cover all the new features on Alteryx Community, the meeting desk contains a great roundup for your use.


In the third presentation, Alex led us through a solution to

for Weekly Challenge #207 – Video Game Data using Regex. He provided some links in the deck to Regex resources.


Follow Up 

  • Did you miss the meeting? For those of you who were unable to join us, we offer the following link to a Recording of the Meeting and the presentation deck (attached).


  • Share your expertise. The Richmond User Group is always looking for speakers who would like to share their use case or share their expertise in short-form trainings. Please let us know if you are interested in presenting.


  • Complete the Q2 2020 Survey. Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback on the most recent meeting and indicate the topics you’d like to see in future meetings.



  • Mark Your Calendars for the next meeting, which is planned for August 26, 1:00-2:30 PM.


Richmond Alteryx User Group Leaders