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Hello RVA User Group Member!
We’ll take some time on Thursday to discuss different ways to solve this problem.
In this exercise, there are individual customer transactions that need to summarized to provide a running monthly A/R balance for both each customer and each month. Each row may be a sale amount, a payment or an adjustment. Some customers may have a zero balance for a number of months before having other transactions that generate a balance. Some customers may have credit balance due to overpayments. Generate a file that provides a row of data for each month, thru 12/31/2016, that either has a balance or is in between months with a balance. Generate a second file that provides the total monthly amount of customer debit balances, customer credit balances and net A/R balance. See the file for example of the data that needs to be generated. Since this is a subset of a larger data set, there are some months that will show a negative A/R balance.
File ARBalance.csv contains 50,000 rows of customer data. The file named Monthly Debit Credit Balance shows the monthly result of balance. The file named Customer Balances per Month is a subset of the solution to be used as a guide.
Wrapped up the pre-work, but I unfortunately use a desktop PC at work. Will this be a problem for Thursday's meeting?
Looking forward to it!
You can send me the packaged workbook by replying to this message and we can go over it during the session. I should have the library's projector set up so we can all view the workflows.