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Research Triangle, NC

Welcome to the Research Triangle User Group

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Inspire 2022

7 - Meteor

Anyone from the Triangle heading to Inspire in CO this year?!

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Sadly this will be the first Inspire in years that I will be missing 😭. John Hollingsworth is speaking there!

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

I'll be there. Arriving Monday. Presenting Wednesday. Leaving Friday.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@SGolnik, we are going to miss you! 🙁

Hope to see everybody at the User Group booth by the Community Hub! 

Flávia Brancato
6 - Meteoroid

I will be there.

7 - Meteor

@tlarsen7572 , what session are you presenting for?

7 - Meteor

I am excited to meet everyone!! Feel free to say hello if you see me at the airport or conference! I'll likely be the one looking very winded.

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

@Raychrls I am co-presenting with Nick Haylund the session: "Alteryx, Powered by Snowflake".


We'll talk about supercharging analytics engineering using Alteryx's SDKs and APIs, with a fun demo to tie everything together.

6 - Meteoroid

My team is hosting a social on Tuesday at Vibe Coffee & Wine Bar www.vibecoffeeandwine.com from 4:00p - 6:30p (1 block from conference center).  It very casual and setup as a chance to meet some Alteryx folks and like-minded individuals.  Feel free to stop in, have a drink, and introduce yourself.  We would love to meet you in person!

7 - Meteor

Thanks for the invite @gklas!