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Phoenix, AZ

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October 2019 MTG Recap

7 - Meteor

Good Day Alteryx Phoenix UG Members!


We really appreciate and thank everyone who attended our October 2019 User Group meeting on 10/15/2019!


This month we went over Weekly Challenge 78 ( Find the Best Housing Markets.


We learned how to use Alteryx’ Download tool, and dove deep on RegEx.


We explored, which is a site that can help you explore your regular expressions on your text. We did an overview of how to test your expressions on a string. Showcased how the site till give you an explanation of the syntax and return to you the matched data. We also studied the quick reference section to get quick tips on syntax.


We also reviewed the REGEX_Match function and used it in a multi-row tool to identity where word wrap had started a new line which should be combined with the record above. REGEX_Match allows you to look for patterns in a given string and then returns a Boolean value for whether it was found.


Lastly we reviewed an innovative solution from @alex, which avoided using the RegEx tool.


Following the use case, a few Alteryx announcements were made:


  • If you missed any meetings, you can catch all recordings right on the Alteryx Community Page – Meeting Round up. All Industry User Group meetings are recorded and are available for replay.
  • For those Alteryx geeks who love to experiment, Alteryx has a BETA program where you can apply to test out the latest features and provide feedback!
  • Recently, Alteryx started an analytics podcast called Alter.Everything. All episodes are available on Community and on SoundCloud.



The Phoenix User Group is always looking for speakers who would like to share their use cases. If presenting interests, you, please email


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 Phoenix Alteryx User Group leaders