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Orange County, CA

Welcome to the Orange County User Group

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2023 Q2 Meeting Recap

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Hey everyone! 


We wanted to thank you all for participating in person or on Zoom for the Orange County Alteryx User Group on June 29th! It was wonderful to see so much activity in person and online. I want to give a special shout out to Alison Pitt and Deborah Diesel for taking the time out to deliver tremendous presentations. Here's a quick recap of what we covered during the two-hour session.


  • Deborah Diesel and Chris Williams discussed the Community Update and we also talked about our Inspire 2023 experiences.
  • Chris Williams gave a talk on some of the new features in Alteryx Designer 2023.1 highlighted by control containers, new Formula tool functions, and Dark Mode!
  • Alison Pitt gave a tremendous presentation on RegEx.
  • We led our mini Grand Prix by breaking up into small groups by doing Weekly Challenge #377: Video Game Sales Insights.
  • Q/A sessions and networking
  • 2023 Q3 Meeting will be August 17th from 4-6pm starting in Victoria Beach. 

This was a tremendous session! We are looking forward to building more momentum so, please, tell anyone you know about our next user group session on August 17th. 


We are really looking to get feedback from all of you. Here are two links that we would love for each of you to click on for us, please.


The Join a Focus Group link is a request form for users to come join us for 30-minute demonstrations of new features and functionalities we’ve developed that will be going out to the Community in the future and get direct feedback on the feature. The Taxonomy Feedback. is a survey for an area we’re exploring updating in the future and would like more direct user feedback on. This is your opportunity to really shape your Community experience going forward! 


As always, the recording will be attached in the message shortly. Thanks for being awesome!