English to follow.
Bonjour a tous!
Notre prochain reunion aura lieu le 13 mai de 17h30-19h30 a l'université McGill - édifice Leacock - salle 232 - 2e étage
Carte: https://mcgillgradorientation.ca/venues/leacock-232/
Lors de cette séance, nous apprendrons comment construire une macro Alteryx.
La première partie de la séance sera théorique. Les conceptes Alteryx macro seront présentés: Standard Macro, Iterative Macro, Batch Macro. Après une courte pause, on enchainera avec une séance de pratique.
Apportez votre ordinateur portable!
Alteryx fournira quelques "goodies"! Les participants seront choisis au hasard!! Au menu: sac à dos, tee-shirts, blocs-notes, stylos, autocollants à donner!
Le contenu sera adapté aussi bien aux debutants qu'aux utilisateurs de niveau intermédiaire.
Our next meeting will take place on May 13 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at McGill University - Leacock Building - Room 232 - 2nd floor.
Map: https://mcgillgradorientation.ca/venues/leacock-232/
Ever have a workflow process that you repeat numerous times? Rather than put together the same tools all the time for your process, build a macro and insert it into your workflow!
The first half of the meeting will be theoretical. Alteryx Macro concepts will be presented, including the 3 types: Standard Macro, Iterative Macro, Batch Macro. We will take a short break and then resume with a practical session. Bring your laptops!
Alteryx will be providing some goodies! Attendees will be randomly selected!! We have a backpack, t-shirts, notepads, pens, stickers to give away!
The material covered will be beginner to intermediate.
William Chan | @WilliamChan | LinkedIn
Alteryx Transportation and Montreal User Group Co-Leader
Alteryx Core Certified
Business Analyst, Distribution and Payments | Air Canada
To get you guys excited for the meeting. Here are some of the items we'll be giving away!
Hi @n4il4h,
Welcome to the Montreal Community.
You can register via the Eventbrite link here.
This will be a workshop session so it is advised to bring your laptop, as indicated above.
The address is:
McGill University - Leacock Building - Room 232 - 2nd Floor - 2e étage
855 Sherbrooke St W
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T7
Bonjour à tous,
Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! Un petit rappel que notre reunion est déjà 50% vendu.
Please register soon if you have intentions of attending the session.
Hello MTL User Group!
Tonight is our Q2 meeting - just a friendly reminder to bring your laptops as this will be a practical session.
Un petit rappel pour ce soir - SVP apporter votre laptop pour la session pratique.
See you all tonight!