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#15 London Alteryx User Group | 19/06/18

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi all,

We've taken into consideration your feedback from the most recent survey and are changing the Alteryx User Group to be a Bi-Monthly Affair and on Tuesday nights where possible as these we're the most popular answers. If you didn't complete the survey, please do so at the link below as it helps us organise and improve future meetups:

So we'd like to invite you all along to the 15th London Alteryx User Group which will be hosted on Tuesday 19th June Venue TBC.

The User Group falls during the world cup and hopefully we're all celebrating a comfortable England win from the Monday night... On the agenda we have some exciting talks

- How Alteryx can predicted the World Cup - Nick Cavey
- Client Use Case - TBC
- Alteryx Inspire US Summary - Inspire Attendees
- Open Mic Tips & Tricks

* Nick Cavey will talk to us about how he has used Alteryx to predict the world cup and as we will be 5 days in, we can see how well his predictions have panned out to date!

* We're looking for a client use case, so if you would like to share your story/journey with the group (<20 mins) then please let me know!)

* Joe & Paul will bring back all of the secrets and exciting information from Alteryx Inspire US to share with the group

* Due to the success of 'Open-Mic Macros' this time we will be hosting Open-Mic Tips & Tricks which I will send more details of nearer the time. But please do start thinking about your favourite tips & tricks as there will be some amazing swag to give away!!!

Thank and see you in June!


RSVP & Meeting Details

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi all,


We've finalised everything for next Tuesday's Alteryx London User Group - Please see all the details below!


RSVP & Meeting Details


The venue will be hosted at Tesco Tech HQ in Farringdon: The Lever Building, 85 Clerkenwell Rd, London EC1R 5AR


  • There is a strict limit on attendees so please please please update your status if you can no longer attend.
  • Everyone has to be registered, so if you are planning on bringing any guests, please ensure that they are registered here via this meetup page otherwise they will not be granted access.
  • Attendees arriving after 7PM may not be granted access - If there is no one present on your arrival please text or call Joe Lipski on 07795341437


  • How Alteryx can predicted the World Cup - Nick Cavey
  • Nicholas Metzgen on how he and EY use Alteryx
  • Alteryx Inspire Summary - Paul Houghton
  • Open Mic Tips & Tricks

* Nick Cavey will talk to us about how he has used Alteryx to predict the world cup and as we will be 5 days in, we can see how well his predictions have panned out to date!

* Nicholas Metzgen will be sharing his Alteryx journey and how EY have been using Alteryx with their clients in M&A Transaction Analytics.

* Paul Houghton will bring back all of the secrets and exciting information from Alteryx Inspire to share with the group

* Joe Lipski will host Open-Mic Tips & Tricks. Please do start thinking about your favourite tips & tricks and pop a comment on the message board if you're willing to share 1-3 of your favourites - There should be swag for our favourites :)


Thanks and see you next week!


RSVP & Meeting Details

Joe Lipski