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Getting started learning path course problem

5 - Atom

I got 1 year licence for Designer and i just started learning. I have an issue with a course getting started. From the beginning not the whole content appears. It happens when a presenter tells to do specific action, for instance - drop something onto the canvas, click metadata and when i expect next steps, it pauses and only thing i can do is going to a next topic or play again same fragment. Or maybe i am missing something, some resources?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@PiotrSocha , what browser are you using?  We find that chrome or firefox are the best browsers. 


Are there any extensions on the browser that are interfering with the content?  try disabling your browser extensions and see if that resolves the issue.


If this helps resolve the issue, please mark this reply as a solution so that others in the community can benefit from our collaboration. 



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@PiotrSocha , per our DMs, the Interactive Lessons are designed to be interactive WITHIN the browser.


You can definitely have both Designer and the Browser open on separate windows/monitors and follow along. 


If this helps, please mark this reply as a solution so that others in the community can benefit from our collaboration.



8 - Asteroid


5 - Atom

Hello :) let me ask for your support. Unfortunately the learning path "Getting started" (Alteryx Academy) is not generated. It shows process (animation of three dots) but no matter how long I wait nothing shows at the screen except three dots. :) Let me share that I use 'Chrome' web browser. I wish to continue my learning path so much. :) Thank you!


Hi @marrejer , I would try clearing the cache on your browser or disabling browser extensions. Then refresh and try the learning path again.