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Hello KC Alteryx Users!
Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts with the event space, we will need to push the user group meeting back to next Thursday 5/30 from 2-4. An updated invite will be sent out to all that have RSVP'ed. We want to apologize for any inconvenience and hope we will still see next Thursday at DEG!
Unfortunately I am out next week with the kids since they'll be out of school. If there is any sort of KC meetup in Nashville please let me know as I would like to connect with more KC users.
Great idea!! We will plan on chatting with the group at the meeting to see what everyone is thinking and will post an update here with the details. Very excited for Nashville!
Is it still possible to attend. If so, what are the logistics? Thanks, Jim
Hi @JimDeLisle
Yes, it is still possible to attend! Please register through our RSVP page to save your spot for Thursday's meeting! :)
-- Cat