Traditionally, the Alteryx Grand Prix was a data analytics “racing” competition, where contestants (drivers) armed with Alteryx Designer and wit solved a series of data analytics challenges faster than their competitors in front of a crowd at Inspire. In 2017, the Grand Prix is receiving a makeover with a new format. Instead of one driver, three drivers will form one super racing team!
The re-imagined Grand Prix will allow more individuals to participate, will highlight individual core competencies, and fully embodies the spirit of what we are building with the Alteryx community. It also provides a great opportunity for you to collaborate with local users.

We hope you can join us for Inspire 2017, and cheer on your local Alteryx User Group. Check out @JimmyG’s blog post for more information about the Revamped Grand Prix!
Important Dates
- February & March - Get your team together by networking with your local User Group.
- Each Alteryx User Group will choose their team of three, so please reach out to your local User Group leader for details on competing
- If you need help building a team, comment on your User Group Community page and volunteer to participate
- If you’re not a member of a User Group, you can find more information here.
- March 31st – User Group Leaders will submit their team to the Alteryx Customer Experience Team
- Week of April 3rd – 30-minute Qualifying Rounds will be held virtually via WebEx
- Tuesday, June 6, 5-6pm – Alteryx Grand Prix session at Inspire
The Grand Prix winning team will be selected by Inspire 2017 attendees, and will receive bragging rights and a prize to bring home to their User Group.
Don’t Forget! Early Bird pricing ends Feb 15, and you can register here.