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Are the PowerPoint slides available for download?

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

I've seen a couple of posts containing PDF's of the slides used in training.

Is there a central post that contains all of the slide decks?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @patrick_mcauliffe


Great idea to have 1 central post linking off to available assets! PDFs for sessions are not yet available, but we'll let you know here as soon as they are.


Training content will not be made available publicly. Those who signed up for training will soon receive an email that links to all necessary resources. Stay tuned!

8 - Asteroid

Is there an update on when the training materials will become available? 




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi all,


You should have received an email on Friday that includes links to all of the training resources. If you did not receive the email, let us know and we'll connect with you to make sure you get what you need.



8 - Asteroid

Hi @JulieH - yes, I did receive the email on Friday. Happy to have the materials! Thanks! 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Just replying with a quick update. We've posted all available session recordings and slides here.  You can also browse content on the Inspire 2017 events page.


Training session content is not available publicly. If you attended training you should have received an email on Friday July 7th with links to relevant resources. If you did not receive the email, let us know and we'll connect with you to make sure you get what you need.

5 - Atom

Thank you! (^_^)

Just in time for my staff presentation on what I learned at Inspire 2017. (•́⌄•́๑)૭✧