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Good Monday Morning Everyone!
I hope you're all well rested after the weekend and ready to tackle another week of Alteryxing.
Here are some discussion points and resources talked about during our meeting last Friday:
•Tool Mastery | Apps and Macros (an introduction to apps & macros)
•Tool Mastery | Action (a deeper dive into configuring the Action tool, which makes the magic happen!)
•App Building Guidelines (super old article, but still has some excellent advice for best practices)
•Interactive Lessons | Creating Analytic Apps (short interactive videos demonstrating some of the key features/options/functionality of the interface tools used in building apps)
•Advanced Certification Prep | Part 3: Building Apps (hour long video covering the basics of interface tools and app building – great resource if you’re working on your Advanced certification too!)
•Weekly Challenge Index (look for challenges that include “interface” in the Main Subject column)
•Santalytics 2020 (last year’s challenge was based on building an app, and resources included a great listing of articles, videos, blogs, and specific Weekly Challenges that might help you with your apps!)
Here is the meeting recording:
Thanks to all who were able to attend and participate! Have a great holiday season and see you all next year!⭐
Here are the crossword puzzles! The password is "alteryx" if you want to unlock the sheets. I used this site to generate the crossword and then I manually copied it to excel.
Here is a very detailed walkthrough of @NicoleJohnson's Naughty/Nice list app.
It was so much fun, guys!
Thank you @Kenda, @patrick_digan, and @jarrod to put together another successful meeting! 😀
Hey all,
Attached are the two workflows that enabled the Bingo game to run during the meeting. You'll need a way to post the pages - i used xampp for the meeting, then shut it down afterwards and I set the "Bingo Monitor Boards" workflow to run every minute and pull the newest list of words from google sheets.