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Hey there Indy Alteryx User Group Members!
After a rocky start, we hosted our 1st meeting of 2022 on Friday. We appreciate all those who were able to attend and find the correct link to join us! It wouldn't be a proper virtual meeting if there weren't technical difficulties, right? 😆
Additional thanks to @patrick_digan and @Aguisande for their great presentations!
Here is the recording:
We hope you enjoyed this meeting, and can't wait to see you again next quarter! As always, if you have a use case that you'd like to share, please reach out to any of the Indy AUG leaders, and we will get you on the schedule.
Indianapolis AUG Leadership:
- @jarrod
- @Kenda
Thanks a lot to the Indy UG for having me!
I know we briefly mentioned 2021.4 at the end of the meeting, so here is an update from @patrick_digan :
For anybody following this page, 2021.4.2 is now available for download in the license portal. It does have a caveat (perhaps temporary) recommending to disable AMP: