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Scheduled workflow fails, but can run manually

6 - Meteoroid



A workflow runs a Windows .bat file.


The .bat file opens Excel with this command:



start "" /wait excel.exe /e /x /r "\\\Libs\MyLibs.xlsb"



MyLibs.xlsb runs a VBA macro, which creates another new instance of Excel, with



Dim oIsoApp As Application
Set oIsoApp = New Application



VBA then instructs the new instance of Excel (oIsoApp) to open a worksheet, and resave it. 


We're using UNC pathing everywhere. 





This all works fine when the workflow is fired manually, but fails when run as a scheduled script. When run as a scheduled script, the final saveAs fails with 'can't find directory' error.  



User Context


IT configured our Alteryx server to run all its jobs as our service account. Here’s our alteryx system settings:



Here are the settings for the alteryx service that runs jobs:





On our gallery, it apparently calls this the local user (does that make sense?):


(i was unable to post this question in Designer forum)

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @johnweiss 


Perhaps you've already done all this, but the way I would troubleshoot is to remote desktop onto the server and try the following:


1. check dependencies on the server, such as Excel installed, all folders are accessible, etc.

2. run the batch file (or the DOS command it contains) from the command line to double check that it works as expected

3. manually run the workflow from the Alteryx Designer instance that resides on the server


If all of these check out, it's back to the drawing board

6 - Meteoroid

Hi @DavidP. As stated in the title of this topic, it works manually. 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I was just checking whether you meant manually on your desktop or manually on the Alteryx Server

6 - Meteoroid

As mentioned in the question, "This all works fine when the workflow is fired manually". I assumed that means "on the Alteryx Server".


Is it possible to run an Alteryx workflow without running it on the Alteryx server?


Do you mean, the workflow can be run on a different machine?



5 - Atom

Did you ever get resolution on this? I'm having the same issue.
