This month, Maveryx Chatter is all about all of you and your many achievements! This is your time to show off your recent accomplishments. It could be as small as making a new recipe or as big as your recent promotion to CEO of the company!
What is an accomplishment, analytics or not, that you want to show off?
Have an answer for last month’s topic? We'd love to hear it here!
Starting a new job
Congrats on your new job! They are lucky to have you😎
Analytics wise - reviewing my own investment strategies and confirming my decisions from the past decade+ align with my current priorities and goals. From a risk allocation perspective to investment vehicles to tax advantaged prioritization. It's made my head hurt but I'm really proud that I didn't let the status quo woo me into paralysis. For the record, I'm not making or recommending sweeping investment shifts or changes, especially not on a regular basis, but for was time to do the analysis!
I became an ACE - and proud to represent Asia in Alteryx too!!