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I want to become stronger with Formulas

5 - Atom

Hi All -  I am working my way through the Alteryx Academy and I am hung up on the formulas piece. I downloaded the try it file but I can't seem to work through the problems. I searched around for more guidance but I am not finding anything that I have been able to identify that will help me grow in this area. Any guidance would be wonderful. I don't want to look at the answer file just yet! 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Tremperm ,


Formula process essentially allows you to add custom logic to your data. There are many ways you can improve your skills with formula building block. 


You can open examples for formula tool by right clicking the formula tool located on the tool bar and choose "Open Examples". It will provide you with sample data and different ways to use Formula. 


If you want to learn step by step how to use Formula, you can go here Tool Mastery Formula.


You can also search for specific topics such as what if condition using formula on Community to learn more about its use in formula tool. 


I hope this helps! 


12 - Quasar

I would recommend the Interactive Lessons on Writing Expressions as a good basis to build on:


You'll find them under the Academy link.


Good Luck.

10 - Fireball

In addition to what was recommended by our fellow users, below is a list of all the functions that are available within the formula tool.
I would recommend taking a look at some of the examples being provided


Link -

7 - Meteor

Thank you for posting the Tool Mastery Formula link.  I too am in need of improving my skills with formulas.
