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Getting Some Issue in Azure Machine Learning

5 - Atom

I am doing an Azure machine learning & mlops course from Udemy and facing some issues in understanding the following topics-


  • Master/main branch and user-defined branch
  • Checkout and pushing to a branch, Merging of branches
  • Project control and management
  • In Remote Repositories, Initialisation of Remote Repositories
  • Pushing code to the remote repositories
  • Cloning of the remote repositories to local
  • PR (Pull Requests), Fetch and Pull
  • Handling conflict on merging branches, Forking of the repository
  • Rebasing, Resetting and Reverting, Stashing

However, I have been through many resources that are not good enough. Although, this one is good enough 


If you have any knowledge on this kindly share with me or share any best resource.


Thanks in advance.


Best regards

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Maybe try posting to the Machine Learning forum instead? 


You can get more traction there than General forum.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE