Discussion thread for day 13 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/13
Lots of Tools turned into Lots of Macros (Standard). Good problem involving lots of data manipulation. Felt like I was exercising my math muscles quite a bit throughout this challenge! (Still intend to wait until Top 10-15 have finished the D13P2 before I post my .yxzp)
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Edit: Solution is now posted!
I was pretty happy not to have to use any macros in Part 1, though I opted to create a standard macro. Part 2 is a different story. I wayyyy overcomplicated part 2 in an effort to move quickly rather than spend time optimizing, and ended up with a standard macro inside of an iterative macro inside of a batch macro. Probably could have skipped the batch macro at the very least. I should just change my name to "brute force" at this point.
Do I love my solution? Not really, but it works and this one doesn't seem as fun to clean up as some of my others. Curious to see what everyone else does, though.
good one. spend lot of time to find the correct way.
I went to the Iterative macro route. I think that Day12 hit me and I can not completely change from the macro curse. But it works quickly. It took only1.5 seconds for part 1 and 2.
=> The mirror position is no "Not match".
P1 was fast to run but took me a while to set up. P2 in spoiler
I felt pretty good about this one. No macro and quickly got part 2.
I enjoyed D13.
Brute force approach works and WF runs in 10 sec.
<Common Macro for P1 and P2>
<P2 Macro>