Need help : Size limit for an Alteryx Database file
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09:41 AM
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Hello, Does anybody know what is the size limit for an Alteryx Database (.yxdb) in Designer ? I've just built a database of 108 million lines. Its size is already 2.4 GB and I have to add another 1 GB database to it. I want to make sure that there is no risk importing an over 2 GB file and working on it. Thanks for you help. P.S. I will start by deleting useless (or secondary) columns, but I will have to add new ones soon.
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Étiquettes :
- Étiquettes:
- size limit .yxdb
14 - Magnetar
12:31 AM
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I never reached the limit of a files, currently, I have some 9 gig yxdb files which are working, ok they are slower to open, but it works fine 🙂