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I am make package of AlteryxDesigner on Seven with the following executable AlteryxInstallx64_2019.1.6.58192.exe.
I have three times installed and uninstalled (and folders and files remaining) the software without problem.
The fourth time I can not install AlteryxDesigner 2019.1.6 anymore because I have the following error:
Product: AlteryxProductName - Error 1606. Could not access network location \ bin \ RuntimeData.
Résolu ! Accéder à la solution.
Hello Admin_GFI,
I believe you are having this issue because on the last uninstall not all files and registries were not removed.
Follow the instructions on the following post about how to properly uninstall all traces of Alteryx Designer or server:
In addition, you'll delete locations any Alteryx folder here as well -