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With the release of Server 2024.2, migrating from Data Connections to DCM Connections has been significantly simplified. This update allows for the automated migration of all Data Connections and their associated workflows.


Below, we’d like to share an example to help you understand how the migration works and hopefully avoid any hiccups along the way.




First, let’s consider a Data Connection named MyAlias, with the following Connection String:


ODBC Driver Code.png


This Data Connection is shared with two users and one user group.


DCM My Alias - Pre-migration.png


We also have a corresponding Data Source configured in DCM, along with three different Connections (credentials) to demonstrate various scenarios:

  1. user001: Contains the same username and password as in the MyAlias Connection String.
  2. user001 [wrong pass]: Same username but an incorrect password, simulating outdated password scenarios.
  3. [vault credentials] random: Simulates vault-based Credentials usage.


Data Sources SQL Server in DCM.png


Next, we have a workflow using the MyAlias Data Connection on the Alteryx Server. This workflow can be scheduled or run manually. For this example, we’ll use a simple workflow that transfers data from one SQL database table to another, adding an Id column. We’ll call this workflow MyWorkflow.


My Workflow Tools.png


My Workflow YXMD.png


Migrate Data Connections


With everything set up, we can start the migration process. This involves linking Data Connections to their respective DCM counterparts and optionally copying sharing preferences. Each Data Connection must be migrated individually, selecting the appropriate DCM Connection and sharing preferences.

  1. Navigate to the Data Connection detail page in the Alteryx Server UI.
  2. Initiate the migration by selecting the Migrate to DCM option on the MyAlias detail page. This opens a new dialogue.


Migrate Connection to DCM.png


In the dialogue, you can review the Connection String and see a list of available DCM Connections. This list includes all ODBC DCM Connections on the Server, categorized as follows:

  • Exact Match: DCM Connections with perfectly matching connection strings.
  • Unresolved Vault Match: DCM Connections with secrets from an external vault. Matching algorithm does not download or resolve the vault credentials payload for comparison.
  • Partial Match: DCM Connections with similar but not identical connection strings.
  • Unmatched: All other DCM Connections on the Server.


Exact Match Results.png


The best-matching connection is pre-selected automatically. In our setup, the user001 connection is selected as it is an exact match. This selection can be overridden if needed.


The Curator has the option to Share with Existing Users, sharing the DCM Connection with the same users and groups as the migrated Data Connection. This option is enabled by default.


To share specific credentials, the Sharing for Collaboration on the DCM Connection should be initiated first, then proceed with the migration. Note that while workflows using Data Connections can be run by any Server user with permission, DCM Connections require Sharing to Run on Server for all users running the workflow.


The migration of MyAlias can be confirmed using the user001 DCM Connection and choosing to Share with Existing Users. This action closes the dialogue and updates the Data Connection detail page.


Once migrated, the Data Connection can no longer be edited or have its sharing modified. All changes should be made to the DCM Connection. The MyAlias Data Connection remains available in Designer for workflows, with an option to Remigrate to DCM if needed.


DCM My Alias - Post-migration.png


Another change during the migration is the initialized sharing on the DCM Connection. It has been shared with the second and third users as well as with the user group, copying the Data Connection’s settings.


SQL Server in DCM.png


Share Connection.png


We’d then repeat the same process for all other Data Connections on the Server. Once done, we can proceed to migrate the workflow references.


Migrate Data Connections in Workflows


As the final part of the migration, we want to replace MyAlias Data Connection with the SQL Server in DCM — user001 DCM Connection in all tool configurations across all workflows on the Server. To initiate this process, select the Migrate Workflows to DCM option in the top right of the Data Connections list page and confirm the migration in the dialogue.


The workflow migration status will be displayed under the list page heading, and the migration initialization button will be disabled during the process. Migrating individual Data Connections is also temporarily unavailable. Refresh the page to get the latest status, or check back later for the results.


Migration in Progress.png


Once the migration is complete, a summary will be displayed, showing the number of workflows that were migrated, skipped, or failed.

  • Successfully migrated: Workflows where Data Connections have been found and replaced by their DCM counterparts.
  • Skipped: Workflows that do not contain Data Connection references or where not all references have their DCM Connection linked.
  • Failed: Workflows that could not be migrated due to reasons such as insufficient access or write permissions.


Migration Status Done.png


Migrated workflows will have a new version created automatically to maintain the history of all changes.


A full workflow migration log, detailing all parsed workflows and performed operations, is available on the Alteryx Server gallery node in the C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Gallery\Logs\AliasMigration.ndjson file. In a multi-node setup, it is on the node performing the migration (chosen at random).


While only one workflow migration can run at any given moment, it is possible to trigger the migration again multiple times, provided the previous run is completed. This allows for “by parts” migrations, one Data Connection at a time, or re-running the migration to ensure no new occurrences of the aliases are present on the Server.


Get Started Today!


Ready to embrace the future of data management with the Alteryx DCM Migration Tool? Effortlessly migrate to DCM and unlock a new era of efficiency and performance. Stay tuned for more updates as Alteryx continues to enhance this powerful tool, empowering businesses in their analytics journey.



Learn more about DCM following these links: