I find myself occasionally using alteryx to generate XML from tabular data. In the past I have always created solutions specific to the data at hand. I have decided that it is time for me to create a generic tabular to XML alteryx wizard.
Tabular Data:
I tried to make this as flexible as possible, so there are a few complexities and options to discuss:
Here's how it works:
Each level of XML is created from one or more columns of tabular data.
If you wish to have multiple attributes for a level, you will need to group columns by name. The columns "Category", "Category:ID", "Category:isValid" will produce an xml level where each node will have "value", "ID" and "isValid" attributes. Notice that if you don't specify an attribute name ("Category" vs" Category:value"), then "value" is used by default.
The first attribute for each level will be used to determine the structure of the XML. That is to say that the first attributes for the children of any given node must be unique.
The interface:
I/O files: The user is asked to point to both a tabular data source and an output file (.xml).
Top level node type: The user must specify a node type for the top level of XML.
Node types: The user can choose to use the column names from the data source as the node types or specify a generic type to be use throughout the file.
Don't remove blank nodes: If left unchecked, nodes with blank "first attributes" will be removed and children will be moved up the branch while maintaining their type.
The files in this example are included here.
Editor's note... Here is a similar tool created by Rahul Sachdeva of Grazitti Interactive: XML Output
Description: "Outputs tabular data into XML Format. Use with Workflow or File Mode."
[This was mentioned in the comments below and preserved from the now deprecated gallery.alteryx.com site.]