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Under the hood of Alteryx: tips, tricks and how-tos.

In October, Alteryx announced the launch of the Alteryx Marketplace - Where customers can find verified, secure, creator-supported Add-Ons including connectors, macros, and more to extend their analytics possibilities.  You may be wondering, “Can I share my analytic creations on Alteryx Marketplace, or should I use the Community Gallery?”


To help you understand the best place to submit your creation, let’s review a few of the key differences between these two sharing platforms.  Note that you may have a creation that is intended for your company only, in this case, you may not want or need to share it on either of these platforms. 




The intent of the Community Gallery is for individual Alteryx users, to post and share peer-to-peer interactions, examples, use cases, and more with other individual Alteryx users.


The intent of the Alteryx Marketplace is for Alteryx and its Partners to offer verified, supported, and secure Add-Ons, like connectors, macros, and more to other businesses and their users.


Submission & Verification


The Community Gallery allows users to quickly and easily share solutions and ideas with each other.


The Alteryx Marketplace has a rigorous submission process and employs verification standards to ensure all listed Add-Ons are enterprise ready. When you submit on the Alteryx Marketplace, you will be required to enter additional content and support information for your solutions.




When you post on the Community Gallery, it is up to individuals to decide how much they want to interact with peers that use their assets, meaning continuous support is not enforced.  When your peers acquire an asset on Community Gallery, they do so with the understanding that they are getting an item made by an individual that will respond as they have capacity to do so.


When you submit and Add-On to the Alteryx Marketplace, you must enter support contact information so that the business using your Add-on knows what level of support to expect when using your solution. Support information is a required and enforced field for Alteryx Marketplace listings.   


How to Get Started


If Community Gallery sounds like a better fit for your creation, submit your solution here to share with your peers.


If Alteryx Marketplace sounds like a better opportunity for your enterprise-level creation, submit to join as an early creator and register your company with the Alteryx Marketplace. Learn more about our submission process in Alteryx IO.
