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Dublin, IRL

Welcome to the Dublin User Group

Click in the JOIN GROUP button in Home to follow our news and attend our events!

Remotely Join Meet-Ups

8 - Asteroid

Howdy Folks,


I am an accountant by trade and have been qualified for about 8 years. i have been using Alteryx for about 18 months now and find it the best thing since sliced bread!!


I am based in Cork but would love to join in the meet-ups. However, with 3 kids under the age of 6 I can imagine how me floating the idea of a trip to Dublin would go with the boss (wife).


Is there any facility to remotely join in the next session via webex for example?


Great that there is such an active community in Ireland. Looking forward to getting involved.



8 - Asteroid

Hi Lauren, thanks for the offer of help. I'll be at Inspire next Wed & Thurs so i'll definitely stop by and we can have a chat about getting the group up and running.



5 - Atom
Hey Wade,
I'm also at the Alteryx Inspire conference next week. Would be great to
catch up. We should have a small gathering/catchup of Ireland Alteryx users
in London next week. What do people going think?
8 - Asteroid


see you there.

8 - Asteroid

excellent idea charles.

please ping me a message on linkedin.

safe travels.

11 - Bolide

See you at Inspire guys 🙂