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Dublin, IRL

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Q1 2019 Meetup!

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I'm pleased to announce we will be hosting our first meetup of the year on 07/02/2019, only a couple of weeks away! This time The Information Lab are helping us plan our meetup and we have a new experiment to try out.


Date: 07/02/2019

Location: TBC (will update this by end of the week at the latest!)
Time: TBC (aiming for 18:15 - 20:00)



  • Welcome and general announcements
  • Use Case: Ian Baldwin - The Information Lab
  • Mob Programming exercise
  • Networking

In our Mob Programming exercise, participants will collaborate to solve problems in an unusual manner. One user (the Driver) will be on the computer, while others (Navigators) will be discussing how to solve the problem and passing those instructions to the Driver. The Driver is only allowed to input instructions provided by the Navigators and there's a twist! Every few minutes (4~5 minutes depending on # of participants) one of the Navigator swaps places with the Driver.


I will also update this post with an Eventbrite event once it is created.


Look forward to see you all there!


8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


Quick update, our venue has bee confirmed!

Location: Immedis, 14 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, D02 Y611

Time: 18:15 - 20:00


Please register for the event on the following link:


Thank you,


7 - Meteor

Alteryx would also like to invite you to a six nations rugby data and predictive analysis event on January 30 in Dublin, details here:


You are also invited to an Alteryx workshop - please bring your laptop with Alteryx installed on Jan 30 in Dublin. Details here: