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POSTPONED: 26/06 | Dublin Alteryx User Group Meeting

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Join us for our next Alteryx User Group meeting. We are very excited to provide an opportunity for Alteryx users in Dublin to connect, share best practices, and improve skill sets that help maximize their potential with Alteryx.


Attend this event to network and gain valuable insights on how your peers are using Alteryx. This will be a working session, bring your laptop with Alteryx Designer on it to follow along! We hope to see you at the meeting!


Thank you to our hosts The Information Lab!



Wed, 26 June 2019

18:15 – 20:15 IST




Block D

Iveagh Court

Dublin 2




  • Welcome and general announcements
  • Guest Speaker: Immedis – How to use the Alteryx Gallery to ingest data and create structured data sets for analysis and dashboards
  • Guest Speaker: Ian Baldwin – Inspire Nashville Recap and Discussion
  • Networking


Register to Attend

8 - Asteroid

gerat, thanks lauren.

11 - Bolide


Disappointed to miss the Q2 meet up (I will be away),

Hope to see you all again in Q3 !


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Dublin User Group meeting  scheduled for tomorrow will be postponed to 3rd of July. We deeply apologies for any inconvenience and we hope you can attend.


New Meeting Details

Date: 3 July, 2019

Time: 6:15pm-8:15pm IST

Location: WeWork, Block D, Iveagh Court, Dublin 2

8 - Asteroid

thanks for the update lauren.

8 - Asteroid

Event never took place, no notice or explanation given, 45 minutes wasted standing around before giving up and going home. Not a good introduction to the user group!

7 - Meteor

I would like to apologise for the mix-up which resulted in people attending and wasting time in your evening. I very much appreciate how valuable your free time is. I will ensure it does not happen again.


To apologise, we will offer free training, for a single day or multiple days, for anyone in The Alteryx User Group in Ireland.


We, The Information Lab in Ireland, will provide three days of training in August. If you sign up on this comment thread, and indicate which session(s) you would like to attend, I will arrange same.


  1. Day 1 - Alteryx Designer Essentials - Friday 13th August
  2. Day 2 - Alteryx Advanced - Friday 20th August 
  3. Day 3 - Alteryx Server - Friday 27th August

On day 1 you will learn about connecting to data; parsing data and preparing data for analysis, with an introduction to Macros.


On day 2, the learnings will be focused on Standard, Batch and Iterative macros in addition to advanced analytics and API connectivity.


On day 3, we will speak about Alteryx Server configuration and how to leverage analytic apps and Server.


We will book a location depending on the numbers. We will also ensure we run this user group successfully within the next 6 weeks.


Many sincere thanks for your time, and please accept my apologies for the mix-up.


Dave Hackett
The Information Lab Ireland


5 - Atom

Hi Dave,

Thanks for this.  I'd be interested in the 2nd and 3rd sessions.




8 - Asteroid



I would be interested in sessions 2 and 3, but can you clarify if you meant Tuesdays 13/20/27 or Fridays 16/23/30th?


Thank you

7 - Meteor

Clarification of dates 


  1. Day 1 - Alteryx Designer Essentials - Friday 9th August
  2. Day 2 - Alteryx Advanced - Friday 16th August 
  3. Day 3 - Alteryx Server - Friday 23th August
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