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Run chained workflows using API

6 - Meteoroid


I looked across the community but didn't find any answer to this question :

How can I run a chained workflow from first to last step using the API ?


When I get the workflow information I get :

    isChained: true,


Then, I can run the first step using POST on /v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs/ and obtain a job with its id and outputs.

But now I'm stuck, how can I run the next step ?


Please let me know if there is any missing information.



8 - Asteroid

Workflow Admin Manager has a new feature that gives you a GUI to chain workflows together. It does everything via the API/SDK and has a one-to-many set of options so if one workflow finishes it can kick off 3 more (or whatever you need).  For complex situations, we needed a way to start, monitor, and then take action upon success/failure. It didn't exist so we built it!