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Python SDK unpredictable ii_push_records.

6 - Meteoroid


In our SDK we are implementing 2 child classes rather than 1 class in the SDK examples:

  • The first class implements username, password and database from an incoming connector.
  • The second class retrieves a sql statement from an incoming connector.


These two classes were set up to return their values using get statements that are implemented in the pi_close. In the pi_close, a connection to a database is made using these methods and the results are pushed downstream. It was out assumption that the two ii_push_records would have executed by the time the pi_close ran.


What we are seeing

What we are experiencing is that one of the child ii_push_records is running  followed by the pi_close. After these two are processed, the second ii_push_record is processing. Since the body of our code is being executed in pi_close, only half of what we need is present on execute. 


Is this a bug? We wouldnt expect to see the pi_close fire prior to the second ii_push_record.

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Your assumption is correct: the incoming connections will close before pi_close runs. My best guess is that your implementation of the classes is a bit off, but that's hard to judge without any code to review.


Here is a screenshot of a custom tool I created real quick for the purpose of testing this:

Execution Order.PNG


You should have at least 3 classes in your tool: A single class that implements AyxPlugin and is the entry point for the tool, and 2 classes that implement IncomingInterface which handle the 2 tasks you have stated in your scenario.  My guess is that you are missing a proper implementation of AyxPlugin that is separate from the 2 IncomingInterface classes.  As a reference, this is the code I used to create the above tool:


import AlteryxPythonSDK as Sdk

class AyxPlugin:
    def __init__(self, n_tool_id: int, alteryx_engine: object, output_anchor_mgr: object):
        # Default properties
        self.n_tool_id: int = n_tool_id
        self.alteryx_engine: Sdk.AlteryxEngine = alteryx_engine
        self.output_anchor_mgr: Sdk.OutputAnchorManager = output_anchor_mgr

    def pi_init(self, str_xml: str):
        self.output = self.output_anchor_mgr.get_output_anchor('Output')

    def pi_add_incoming_connection(self, str_type: str, str_name: str) -> object:
        if str_type == 'Left':
            self.Left = LeftInterface(self)
            return self.Left
        elif str_type == 'Right':
            self.Right = RightInterface(self)
            return self.Right

    def pi_add_outgoing_connection(self, str_name: str) -> bool:
        return True

    def pi_push_all_records(self, n_record_limit: int) -> bool:
        self.display_error_msg('Missing Incoming Connection.')
        return False

    def pi_close(self, b_has_errors: bool):

    def display_error_msg(self, msg_string: str):
        self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.error, msg_string)

    def display_info(self, msg_string: str):
        self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.info, msg_string)

class LeftInterface:
    def __init__(self, parent: AyxPlugin):
        self.parent: AyxPlugin = parent
        self.rec: Sdk.RecordCreator = None

    def ii_init(self, record_info_in: Sdk.RecordInfo) -> bool:
        self.rec = record_info_in
        return True

    def ii_push_record(self, in_record: Sdk.RecordRef) -> bool:
        self.parent.display_info("Push left")
        return True

    def ii_update_progress(self, d_percent: float):
        a = 1

    def ii_close(self):
        self.parent.display_info("Close left")

class RightInterface:
    def __init__(self, parent: AyxPlugin):
        self.parent: AyxPlugin = parent
        self.rec: Sdk.RecordCreator = None

    def ii_init(self, record_info_in: Sdk.RecordInfo) -> bool:
        self.rec = record_info_in
        return True

    def ii_push_record(self, in_record: Sdk.RecordRef) -> bool:
        self.parent.display_info("Push right")
        return True

    def ii_update_progress(self, d_percent: float):
        a = 1

    def ii_close(self):
        self.parent.display_info("Close right")

It's a bit hard to give any more guidance than this without seeing your Python code, but if you have additional questions I will try my best to answer them.

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

And if it helps, this is the XML configuration of the tool:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <EngineSettings EngineDll="Python" EngineDllEntryPoint="Tester.py" SDKVersion="10.1" />
  <GuiSettings Html="Tester.html" Icon="Tester.png" Help="" SDKVersion="10.1">
      <Connection Name="Left" AllowMultiple="False" Optional="False" Type="Connection" Label="L"/>
      <Connection Name="Right" AllowMultiple="False" Optional="False" Type="Connection" Label="R"/>
      <Connection Name="Output" AllowMultiple="False" Optional="False" Type="Connection" Label=""/>
      <Description>Test stuff</Description>
      <Author>Thomas Larsen</Author>
6 - Meteoroid

Possibly you can see how my implementation is off. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


AyxPlugin (required) has-a IncomingInterface (optional).
Although defining IncomingInterface is optional, the interface methods are needed if an upstream tool exists.
import ibm_db
import AlteryxPythonSDK as Sdk
import xml.etree.ElementTree as Et
from tkinter import messagebox

#  ***************************************************************************************************************************************************
#  Static method that I am using in one of the Classes
#  ***************************************************************************************************************************************************
def is_empty(any_structure):
    if any_structure:
        return False
        return True

class AyxPlugin:
    Implements the plugin interface methods, to be utilized by the Alteryx engine to communicate with a plugin.
    Prefixed with "pi", the Alteryx engine will expect the below five interface methods to be defined.

    def __init__(self, n_tool_id: int, alteryx_engine: object, output_anchor_mgr: object):
        Constructor is called whenever the Alteryx engine wants to instantiate an instance of this plugin.
        :param n_tool_id: The assigned unique identification for a tool instance.
        :param alteryx_engine: Provides an interface into the Alteryx engine.
        :param output_anchor_mgr: A helper that wraps the outgoing connections for a plugin.

        # Default properties
        self.n_tool_id = n_tool_id
        self.alteryx_engine = alteryx_engine
        self.output_anchor_mgr = output_anchor_mgr

        # Custom properties
        self.user = ''
        self.password = ''
        self.database = ''
        self.sql = ''
        self.str_file_path = ''
        self.error_list = ''
        self.user_input = None
        self.sql_input = None

    def pi_init(self, str_xml: str):
        Handles building out the sort info, to pass into pre_sort() later on, from the user configuration.
        Called when the Alteryx engine is ready to provide the tool configuration from the GUI.
        :param str_xml: The raw XML from the GUI.

        self.user = Et.fromstring(str_xml).find('User').text
        if self.user is None:
            self.user = ''

        self.password = Et.fromstring(str_xml).find('Password').text
        if self.password is None:
            self.password = ''
        if self.password != '':
            self.password = self.alteryx_engine.decrypt_password(self.password, 0)

        self.database = Et.fromstring(str_xml).find('Database').text
        if self.database is None:
            self.database = ''

        self.sql = Et.fromstring(str_xml).find('SQL').text
        if self.sql is None:
            self.sql = ''

        self.output_anchor = self.output_anchor_mgr.get_output_anchor('Output')  # Getting the output anchor from the XML file.

    def pi_add_incoming_connection(self, str_type: str, str_name: str) -> object:
        The IncomingInterface objects are instantiated here, one object per incoming connection, also pre_sort() is called here.
        Called when the Alteryx engine is attempting to add an incoming data connection.
        :param str_type: The name of the input connection anchor, defined in the Config.xml file.
        :param str_name: The name of the wire, defined by the workflow author.
        :return: The IncomingInterface object(s).

        if str_type == 'SQL':
            self.sql_input = SQLInterface(self)
            messagebox.showinfo('pi_add', 'SQL')
            return self.sql_input
        elif str_type == 'Input':
            self.user_input = UserInterface(self)
            messagebox.showinfo('pi_add', 'User')
            return self.user_input

    def pi_add_outgoing_connection(self, str_name: str) -> bool:
        Called when the Alteryx engine is attempting to add an outgoing data connection.
        :param str_name: The name of the output connection anchor, defined in the Config.xml file.
        :return: True signifies that the connection is accepted.

        return True

    def pi_push_all_records(self, n_record_limit: int) -> bool:
        Called when a tool has no incoming data connection.
        :param n_record_limit: Set it to <0 for no limit, 0 for no records, and >0 to specify the number of records.
        :return: True for success, False for failure.

        return False

    def pi_close(self, b_has_errors: bool):
        Called after all records have been processed..
        :param b_has_errors: Set to true to not do the final processing.

        #First thing first. If this is a "config" run, we are going to bail early, i.e. not run the code
        #  if self.alteryx_engine.get_init_var(self.n_tool_id, 'UpdateOnly') == 'True':
            # headers = ['Results']
            # types = ['string']
            # record_info_out = self.build_record_info_out(headers, types)  # Building out the outgoing record layout.
            # self.output_anchor.init(record_info_out)  # Lets the downstream tools know of the outgoing record metadata.
            #  return False

        messagebox.showinfo('pi_close', self.sql_input.get_sql()[10:])

        #  Check for Incoming connections and set the appropriate variables
        if type(self.sql_input) is SQLInterface:
            self.sql = self.sql_input.get_sql()

        if type(self.user_input) is UserInterface:
            self.user = self.user_input.get_user()
            self.password = self.user_input.get_password()
            self.database = self.user_input.get_database()

        #  messagebox.showinfo('SQL', self.sql)

        #  If there is no incoming interface (i.e. user id and password)
        error_sql = self.msg_sql(self.sql)
        error_database = self.msg_database(self.database)
        error_racf_id = self.msg_racfid(self.user)
        error_password = self.msg_password(self.password)

        if error_sql != '':
            self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.info, self.xmsg(error_sql))
            return False
        if error_database != '':
            self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.info, self.xmsg(error_database))
            return False
        elif error_racf_id != '':
            self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.error, self.xmsg(error_racf_id))
            return False
        elif error_password != '':
            self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.error, self.xmsg(error_password))
            return False

        query = IBMCall("3700", "TCPIP", 'DB' + str(self.database)[:2], str(self.user) + 'B', str(self.password), self.sql.upper().replace('&DATABASE.', self.database))
        result = query.get_data()[1:]
        headers = query.get_headers()
        types = query.get_types()

        # messagebox.showinfo('SQL', result)
        # We won't stop the code if the IBM call broke, but we will pop a message
        self.error_list = query.get_errorlist()

        if self.error_list != '':
            self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.info, self.error_list)

        total_records = len(result)

        if total_records == 0:
            self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.info, 'Query returned no results.')
            return False

        record_info_out = self.build_record_info_out(headers, types)  # Building out the outgoing record layout.

        self.output_anchor.init(record_info_out)  # Lets the downstream tools know of the outgoing record metadata.

        #  Create Output Object
        record_creator = record_info_out.construct_record_creator()  # Creating a new record_creator for the new data.

        # Loop Results
        for record in enumerate(result):
            for field in enumerate(record[1]):

                if types[field[0]] == 'int':
                    record_info_out[field[0]].set_from_int64(record_creator, int(field[1]))
                if types[field[0]] == 'string':
                    record_info_out[field[0]].set_from_string(record_creator, str(field[1]))
                if types[field[0]] == 'date':
                    record_info_out[field[0]].set_from_string(record_creator, str(field[1]))
                if types[field[0]] == 'timestamp':
                    record_info_out[field[0]].set_from_string(record_creator, str(field[1]))
                if types[field[0]] == 'decimal':
                    record_info_out[field[0]].set_from_double(record_creator, float(field[1]))

            # Asking for a record to push downstream
            out_record = record_creator.finalize_record()

            self.output_anchor.push_record(out_record, False)  # False: completed connections will automatically close.

            # Not the best way to let the downstream tool know of this tool's progress, normally one would use a timer.
            self.output_anchor.update_progress(record[0] / float(total_records))

            record_creator.reset()  # Resets the variable length data to 0 bytes (default) to prevent unexpected results.

        #  self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.info, self.xmsg(str(total_records)) + ' records were read')
        self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.info, str(total_records) + ' rows completed')
        self.output_anchor.close()  # Close outgoing connections.

        #  self.output_anchor.assert_close()  # Checks whether connections were properly closed.

    def display_error_message(self, msg_string: str):
        A non-interface helper function, responsible for outputting error messages.
        :param msg_string: The error message string.

        self.alteryx_engine.output_message(self.n_tool_id, Sdk.EngineMessageType.error, self.xmsg(msg_string))

    def xmsg(self, msg_string: str):
        A non-interface, non-operational placeholder for the eventual localization of predefined user-facing strings.
        :param msg_string: The user-facing string.
        :return: msg_string

        return msg_string
    def build_record_info_out(self, field_headers, field_types):
        A non-interface helper for pi_push_all_records() responsible for creating the outgoing record layout.
        :param file_reader: The name for csv file reader.
        :return: The outgoing record layout, otherwise nothing.

        record_info_out = Sdk.RecordInfo(self.alteryx_engine)  # A fresh record info object for outgoing records.

        for field in enumerate(field_headers):

            if field_types[field[0]] == 'int':
                record_info_out.add_field(field[1], Sdk.FieldType.int64, 256, 0, '', '')
            elif field_types[field[0]] == 'string':
                record_info_out.add_field(field[1], Sdk.FieldType.v_wstring, 256, 0, '', '')
            elif field_types[field[0]] == 'date':
                record_info_out.add_field(field[1], Sdk.FieldType.date, 256, 0, '', '')
            elif field_types[field[0]] == 'decimal':
                record_info_out.add_field(field[1], Sdk.FieldType.double, 256, 16, '', '')
            elif field_types[field[0]] == 'timestamp':
                record_info_out.add_field(field[1], Sdk.FieldType.datetime, 256, 0, '', '')

        return record_info_out

    def msg_sql(sql: str):
        A non-interface, helper function that handles validating the file path input.
        :param mainframe: The mainframe file to get via FTP
        :return: The chosen message string.

        msg_sql = ''
        if len(sql) == 0:
            msg_sql = 'Enter a SQL query'
        return msg_sql

    def msg_database(database: str):
        A non-interface, helper function that handles validating the file path input.
        :param mainframe: The mainframe file to get via FTP
        :return: The chosen message string.

        msg_database = ''
        if len(database) == 0:
            msg_database = 'Enter a database name'
        return msg_database

    def msg_racfid(racfid: str):
        A non-interface, helper function that handles validating the file path input.
        :param racfid: The user's racfid
        :return: The chosen message string.

        msg_racfid = ''
        if len(racfid) == 0:
            msg_racfid = 'Enter a RACF ID'
        elif len(racfid) > 6:
            msg_racfid = 'The maximum length for RACF ID is 6 (use non-B-id)'
        elif racfid[0] != '@':
            msg_racfid = 'Invalid RACF ID: must begin with @'

        return msg_racfid

    def msg_password(password: str):
        A non-interface, helper function that handles validating the file path input.
        :param password: The user's password
        :return: The chosen message string.

        msg_password = ''
        if len(password) == 0:
            msg_password = 'Enter a Password'
        return msg_password

class UserInterface:
    This optional class is returned by pi_add_incoming_connection, and it implements the incoming interface methods, to
    be utilized by the Alteryx engine to communicate with a plugin when processing an incoming connection.
    Prefixed with "ii", the Alteryx engine will expect the below four interface methods to be defined.

    def __init__(self, parent: object):
        Constructor for IncomingInterface.
        :param parent: AyxPlugin

        # Default properties
        self.parent = parent

        # Custom members
        self.record_info_in = None
        self.field_lists = []
        self.counter = 0

        self.user = ''
        self.password = ''
        self.database = ''
        self.sql = ''
        self.error_list = ''

        self.i_ran = False

    def ii_init(self, record_info_in: object) -> bool:
        Handles the storage of the incoming metadata for later use.
        Called to report changes of the incoming connection's record metadata to the Alteryx engine.
        :param record_info_in: A RecordInfo object for the incoming connection's fields.
        :return: True for success, otherwise False.

        self.record_info_in = record_info_in  # For later reference.

        # Storing the field names to use when writing data out.
        for field in range(record_info_in.num_fields):

        return True

    def ii_push_record(self, in_record: object) -> bool:
        Responsible for writing the data to csv in chunks.
        Called when an input record is being sent to the plugin.
        :param in_record: The data for the incoming record.
        :return: False if file path string is invalid, otherwise True.

        if self.i_ran == False:
            messagebox.showinfo("ii_push", "User")
            self.i_ran = True

        #First thing first. If this is a "config" run, we are going to bail early, i.e. not run the code
        if self.parent.alteryx_engine.get_init_var(self.parent.n_tool_id, 'UpdateOnly') == 'True':
            return False

        for field in range(self.record_info_in.num_fields):
            if self.record_info_in[field].name == 'UserName':
                self.user = self.record_info_in[field].get_as_string(in_record)
            elif self.record_info_in[field].name == 'Password':
                self.password = self.record_info_in[field].get_as_string(in_record)
                if self.password != '':
                    self.password = self.parent.alteryx_engine.decrypt_password(self.password, 0)
            elif self.record_info_in[field].name == 'Database':
                self.database = self.record_info_in[field].get_as_string(in_record)

        return True

    def ii_update_progress(self, d_percent: float):
         Called by the upstream tool to report what percentage of records have been pushed.
         :param d_percent: Value between 0.0 and 1.0.

        self.parent.alteryx_engine.output_tool_progress(self.parent.n_tool_id, d_percent)  # Inform the Alteryx engine of the tool's progress

    def ii_close(self):
        Handles writing out any residual data out.
        Called when the incoming connection has finished passing all of its records.
        messagebox.showinfo('ii_close', 'User Class')

    def get_user(self):
        return self.user

    def get_password(self):
        return self.password

    def get_database(self):
        return self.database

class SQLInterface:
    This optional class is returned by pi_add_incoming_connection, and it implements the incoming interface methods, to
    be utilized by the Alteryx engine to communicate with a plugin when processing an incoming connection.
    Prefixed with "ii", the Alteryx engine will expect the below four interface methods to be defined.

    def __init__(self, parent: object):
        Constructor for IncomingInterface.
        :param parent: AyxPlugin

        # Default properties
        self.parent = parent

        # Custom members
        self.record_info_in = None
        self.field_lists = []
        self.counter = 0

        self.sql = ''
        self.error_list = ''
        self.add_num = 0
        self.i_ran = False

    def ii_init(self, record_info_in: object) -> bool:
        Handles the storage of the incoming metadata for later use.
        Called to report changes of the incoming connection's record metadata to the Alteryx engine.
        :param record_info_in: A RecordInfo object for the incoming connection's fields.
        :return: True for success, otherwise False.

        self.record_info_in = record_info_in  # For later reference.

        # Storing the field names to use when writing data out.
        for field in range(record_info_in.num_fields):

        return True

    def ii_push_record(self, in_record: object) -> bool:
        Responsible for writing the data to csv in chunks.
        Called when an input record is being sent to the plugin.
        :param in_record: The data for the incoming record.
        :return: False if file path string is invalid, otherwise True.
        self.add_num += 1

        if self.i_ran == False:
            messagebox.showinfo("ii_push", "SQL")
            self.i_ran = True

        #First thing first. If this is a "config" run, we are going to bail early, i.e. not run the code
        if self.parent.alteryx_engine.get_init_var(self.parent.n_tool_id, 'UpdateOnly') == 'True':
            return False

        for field in range(self.record_info_in.num_fields):
            line = self.record_info_in[field].get_as_string(in_record).strip()
            if line[:1] != '#' and line.upper() != 'WITH UR' and line is not None and line != '':
                self.sql += line + '\n'

        return True

    def ii_update_progress(self, d_percent: float):
         Called by the upstream tool to report what percentage of records have been pushed.
         :param d_percent: Value between 0.0 and 1.0.

        self.parent.alteryx_engine.output_tool_progress(self.parent.n_tool_id, d_percent)  # Inform the Alteryx engine of the tool's progress

    def ii_close(self):
        Handles writing out any residual data out.
        Called when the incoming connection has finished passing all of its records.
        messagebox.showinfo('ii_close', "SQL Object")

    def get_sql(self):
        return self.sql

class IBMCall:
    def __init__(self, port, protocol, database, user, password, sql, driver="{IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER}", host="XXXX"):
        #  Connection Items
        self.driver = driver
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.protocol = protocol
        self.database = database
        self.user = user
        self.password = password
        self.sql = sql
        self.error_list = ''
        # Looping items initialize
        self.temp = []
        self.headers = []
        first_row = []
        self.data_type = []
        # This is the return ITEM for this Object..It is the noun.
        self.q_list = []

        # Connection String
        self.conn_string = 'DRIVER=' + self.driver + ';HOSTNAME=' + self.host + ';PORT=' + self.port + ';PROTOCOL=' + self.protocol + ';DATABASE=' + self.database + ';UID=' + self.user + ';PWD=' + self.password

        #  Connection
        self.cnxn = self.make_connection()

        self.query_stmt = self.run_sql()

        if self.error_list == '':
                # The data is coming in not stripped. I have to strip it all out
                self.tup = ibm_db.fetch_both(self.query_stmt)
                i = -1
                for item, val in self.tup.items():
                    i += 1
                    if (i / 2) == int(i / 2) or i == 0:
                        self.data_type.append(ibm_db.field_type(self.query_stmt, item))


                self.tup = ibm_db.fetch_tuple(self.query_stmt)
                # Read it in and strip out all the garbage
                while not is_empty(self.tup):
                    for self.each in self.tup:

                    self.temp = []
                    self.tup = ibm_db.fetch_tuple(self.query_stmt)

                # self.error_list = 'WARNING: An unknown error occurred.'
                self.temp = []
                self.tup = []

    def make_connection(self):
            #  Connection
            cnxn = ibm_db.connect(self.conn_string, '', '')
            return cnxn
            self.error_list = 'WARNING: ' + ibm_db.conn_errormsg()
            # messagebox.showinfo('Try','CON' + self.error_list)

    def run_sql(self):
            #  Connection
            query_stmt = ibm_db.exec_immediate(self.cnxn, self.sql)
            return query_stmt
            self.error_list = 'WARNING: ' + ibm_db.stmt_errormsg()
            # messagebox.showinfo('Try','SQL' + self.error_list)

    def get_data(self):
        return self.q_list

    def get_types(self):
        return self.data_type

    def get_headers(self):
        return self.headers

    def get_errorlist(self):
        return self.error_list
11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

I tried out your code after (after commenting out most of pi_close because I don't have ibm_db). On my machine everything executes in the expected order. I cannot get pi_close to execute before both the SQL and User inputs have closed. I am quite baffled as to why you are seeing the behavior you are seeing.


Would you be able to post the XML config of the tool? Also, what version of Designer are you using?

6 - Meteoroid

I am using 2018.3.4.51585


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <EngineSettings EngineDll="Python" EngineDllEntryPoint="IBMCallIO_Engine.py" SDKVersion="10.1" />
  <GuiSettings Html="IBMCallIO_GUI.html" Icon="IBMCallIO_Icon.png" Help="https://help.alteryx.com/developer/current/index.htm#Python/Examples.htm" SDKVersion="10.1">
      <Connection Name="Input" AllowMultiple="False" Optional="False" Type="Connection" Label="i"/>
      <Connection Name="SQL" AllowMultiple="False" Optional="False" Type="Connection" Label="s"/>
      <Connection Name="Output" AllowMultiple="False" Optional="False" Type="Connection" Label=""/>
      <Name>Python - IBM Call IO</Name>
      <Description>Makes SQL call into DB2 and provides query results as output.</Description>
      <SearchTags>python, Test Call, python sdk,IBM, DB2, SQL</SearchTags>
      <Author>Aaron Kinney/Van Anderson</Author>
      <Company>Alight Solutions</Company>