I’m facing a problem, it’s not exactly Alteryx problem but still I cannot use Alteryx because of it. I’m currently working on text mining projects and I want to use spacy. I tried to install it before with pip in windows but it cannot compile it (I tried nearly all versions of visual studio build tools without any success) so I moved to ubuntu. But now I want to create an Alteryx workflow with python sdk. How are you installing python libraries, which need to be compiled first in Windows ?
small update. Yesterday I tried again and after a lot of googling I succeeded. The problem was not exactly in the version of the Build Tool but the wrong paths windows settings. I had to set/update/change like 10 paths and now it is working and compiling.
Thanks for the support.
Hi @Nikolay
I'm also running into this same issue trying to install scrapy (see here if interested); however, I'm not able to get anywhere and have read a lot of different articles trying to figure this out. What specific paths did you have to set/update/change that resolved the issue?
I know it has been a while, but it would be very helpful if you happened to remember some details I could try.