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Help in developing HTML Gui for service-now Connector

10 - Fireball

Hello Alteryx Dev Gurus @NeilR  @tlarsen7572  @Coxta45 @SeanAdams  @JosephSerpis 

I am trying to develop a Service-now Connector to download the Full data and Incremental data (CDC) via service-now table API. I got the App working but want to enhance the tool by creating HTML GUI using SDK. I created a .yxi file with all inputs and output but it's not working. Attached is the .yxi file. .Although I have inputs configured I am not able to see in UI  on alteryx Designer after install .


Please re-name the attachment from .zip to .yxi (some issues uploading as .yxi)


HTML SDK GUI  after install . 



Alteryx macro Config. 




Alteryx Macro GUI 




<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>XMSG("ServiceNow Data API")</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Include the base GUI library.
document.write('<link rel="import" href="' + window.Alteryx.LibDir + '2/lib/includes.html">');
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/styles.css">
<style type="text/css">
.alteryx-button {
float: right;



<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src='Service-now_app.js'></script> -->

<!-- Fieldset to capture user credentials -->
<legend>Service-now Credentials</legend>

<ayx data-ui-props='{type:"TextBox", widgetId:"Instance"}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Instance", dataType:"SimpleString"}'></ayx>
<!-- <alteryx-pluginwidget type="TextBox" id="username" dataName="username" onkeyup="enableConnect();"></alteryx-pluginwidget> -->
<ayx data-ui-props='{type:"TextBox", widgetId:"Username"}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Username", dataType:"SimpleString"}'></ayx>

<!-- <alteryx-pluginwidget type="TextBox" id="password" dataName="password" password="true" onkeyup="enableConnect();"></alteryx-pluginwidget> -->
<ayx data-ui-props='{type:"TextBox", widgetId:"Password"}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Password", dataType:"SimpleString", password:true}'>

<ayx aria-label="Table-dropdown" data-ui-props='{type:"DropDown", widgetId:"Table", searchable:true, allowCustomValue: True, placeholder:"XMSG("Select Table...")", clearable:true}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Table", dataType:"StringSelector"}'></ayx>
<br />
<ayx aria-label="Sysparm_limit" data-ui-props='{type:"NumericSpinner", widgetId:"Sysparm_limit", data-item-props='{dataName:"Sysparm_limit", dataType:"ConstrainedInt" ,value:"1000"}'></ayx>
<br />
<br />
<ayx data-ui-props='{type:"TextBox", widgetId:"Query"}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Query", dataType:"SimpleString"}'></ayx>

<div id="loading" class="loading" style="display:none;"></div>
<div aria-label="loading-spinner" id="loading-inner" class="loading-inner" style="display:none;">
<img src=".\assets\loading_ring.svg">



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



I found two syntax errors in your HTML code that were preventing it from rendering. After fixing, it rendered...

The first is with this line:

<ayx aria-label="Sysparm_limit" data-ui-props='{type:"NumericSpinner", widgetId:"Sysparm_limit", data-item-props='{dataName:"Sysparm_limit", dataType:"ConstrainedInt" ,value:"1000"}'>

Here, you're missing a curly brace, I changed it to:

<ayx aria-label="Sysparm_limit" data-ui-props='{type:"NumericSpinner", widgetId:"Sysparm_limit"}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Sysparm_limit", dataType:"ConstrainedInt" ,value:"1000"}'></ayx>


The second problem line was an improperly capitalized T in the boolean true:

<ayx aria-label="Table-dropdown" data-ui-props='{type:"DropDown", widgetId:"Table", searchable:true, allowCustomValue: True, placeholder:"XMSG("Select Table...")", clearable:true}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Table", dataType:"StringSelector"}'></ayx>

Changed to:

<ayx aria-label="Table-dropdown" data-ui-props='{type:"DropDown", widgetId:"Table", searchable:true, allowCustomValue: true, placeholder:"XMSG("Select Table...")", clearable:true}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Table", dataType:"StringSelector"}'></ayx>


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

FYI, in general, following the directions here (Debugging the CEF) are very helpful for debugging HTML GUI SDK code. [In this particular case, not quite as helpful. I identified the offending two lines of code by commenting out blocks of code until the bad lines revealed themselves.]

10 - Fireball

Thanks @NeilR  Works Perfect. Thanks for Quick Reply. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Happy to help! Well done getting to within a couple lines of a working custom tool 🙂


In regards to the issue you had attaching a YXI... This has been a known issue for some time. I just checked with our development team, and happy to report that it looks like we finally have a fix in place for this which should be getting deployed within a couple days.

10 - Fireball

Thank you . @NeilR  .  for  Section named 'Table'  which is a dropdown on GUI I don't see Dropdown values as I see in the Macro? how can we get the values to drop down for selection . ? Do we have to Write a java script . if so do you have an example that I can use . 


I am totally new to scripting js or any kind of language .....









Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Yes you'll need to write some JavaScript. The relevant example is in the HTML - GUI Library tool that's shipped with Designer in the SDK Examples category. You can find the code in the [alteryx install]\bin\HtmlPlugins\HtmlGuiSdk\HtmlGuiSdkGui.html file.


Essentially, you'd change your HTML code to:

<ayx data-ui-props='{type:"DropDown", widgetId:"Table", searchable:true, placeholder:"Select Table...", clearable:true}'></ayx>

and then add the following JS:

Alteryx.Gui.BeforeLoad = function (manager, AlteryxDataItems, json) {
   var stringSelector = new AlteryxDataItems.StringSelector('Table', {
   optionList: [
      {label: "Alpha", value: "alpha"},
      {label: "Beta", value: "beta"},
      {label: "Gamma", value: "gamma"}
   manager.bindDataItemToWidget(stringSelector, 'Table')		


If you haven't read it already, Building an HTML Macro offers a good primer of how all these pieces work together. Full HTML here:

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>XMSG("ServiceNow Data API")</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Include the base GUI library.
        document.write('<link rel="import" href="' + window.Alteryx.LibDir + '2/lib/includes.html">');

      <legend>Service-now Credentials</legend>
         <ayx data-ui-props='{type:"TextBox", widgetId:"Instance"}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Instance", dataType:"SimpleString"}'></ayx>
		  <ayx data-ui-props='{type:"TextBox", widgetId:"Username"}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Username", dataType:"SimpleString"}'></ayx>
		  <ayx data-ui-props='{type:"TextBox", widgetId:"Password"}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Password", dataType:"SimpleString", password:true}'>
           <ayx data-ui-props='{type:"DropDown", widgetId:"Table", searchable:true, placeholder:"Select Table...", clearable:true}'></ayx>
		  <br />
			<ayx aria-label="Sysparm_limit" data-ui-props='{type:"NumericSpinner", widgetId:"Sysparm_limit"}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Sysparm_limit", dataType:"ConstrainedInt" ,value:"1000"}'></ayx>
		<br />
		<br />
			<ayx data-ui-props='{type:"TextBox", widgetId:"Query"}' data-item-props='{dataName:"Query", dataType:"SimpleString"}'></ayx>

		Alteryx.Gui.BeforeLoad = function (manager, AlteryxDataItems, json) {
			var stringSelector = new AlteryxDataItems.StringSelector('Table', {
			  optionList: [
				{label: "Alpha", value: "alpha"},
				{label: "Beta", value: "beta"},
				{label: "Gamma", value: "gamma"}
			manager.bindDataItemToWidget(stringSelector, 'Table')		
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



Happy Friday! As @NeilR mentioned, we've resolved the issue with the .yxi file type (along with a few other file types as well). I've tested this in a couple posts and it's working great - but please don't hesitate to let me know if you run into any further issues with that file type or others! 





Senior Manager, Community Platform + Operations at Alteryx


10 - Fireball

Service Now Connector is now available to download from Alteryx Public Gallery Here is the Link.!app/Servicenow-Download/5e6731418a93370990b2a835