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Alteryx designer tool - The R.exe exit code (3221225477) in user laptop

5 - Atom

Description of the error:


While running Alteryx designer tool with a workflow few user laptops are facing below issue:


Start: Designer x64: Started running at 11/27/2017 11:42:37 AM
Info: R (2): R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10) - x86_64 
Error: R (2): The R.exe exit code (3221225477) indicated an error.
End: Designer x64: Finished running in 9.9 seconds with 1 error


R version in the laptop: R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10) - x86_64
Alteryx Version:


User laptop memory settings are good. 16 GB Memory and i5 processor.


Even while running a simple R.Version(), "The R.exe exit code (3221225477) indicated an error" error occurs in a specific user laptop.


We are not able to execute the alteryx workflows with R code in it.


Is there any specific memory settings in alteryx auto allocation is leading to this error and specific system settings has to be updated for this? Kindly help in finding the cause if this is experienced in past.


14 - Magnetar



I can’t speak to what that error code is in reference to, however, to share some things that I‘ve seen when R tools are behaving oddly is when the wrong version of the predictive tools were installed.


- 64bit predictive tools installed on a 32bit install. 

- Installed a version that’s intended for a newer version of Alteryx than what’s installed. 

- Installed Admin version of the tools when the non-admin version is installed (or vice versa)


I’d suggest uninstalling the predictive toolset all together and re-download/install ensuring the correct version. Previous Versions, bottom of page.




Hope this helps!



5 - Atom

Thank you Jimmy for the response. We are having the common version installed from software repository. It's working in my pc whereas not working in specific users. We will check the installtion of 64bit predictive tools and see if it is done correctly.


