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Happy 2018! The Thrill of Solving is here, let's catch up.
We're in the process of scheduling our first meeting of the new year. Tentatively, we are looking at mid-March for our meeting. Before we cast any dates or locations in stone, we want your input. Please (PLEASE) reply with any input to the meeting.
Let's keep in touch. Don't be a stranger.
See you in D (Michigan) and then again at D (Anaheim),
Hi Mark,
Wednesday and Tuesday work best for me. Would avoid Monday's and Fridays.
Most interesting topics are demo of new releases and features along with case studies and user q&a.
I'm willing to help organize and publicize. Downtown Detroit and Warren Southfield area are most convenient, also like brewery locations w chance to socialize.
Gary Roll
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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