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Hi, DFW Alteryx User Group Members! Please save the date for the next user group virtual meeting, which will be Friday, June 30th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. CT!
We are looking for presenters for this meeting, which will be an “Inspired” theme! For those who weren’t able to attend the Alteryx Inspire conference a few weeks ago, we would like to bring you some of the presentations – and for those who were able to attend, you may not have been able to see all the presentations you wanted to, especially if you wanted to see multiple sessions that were hosted at the same time! :)
If you are a member of the user group and presented at Inspire, we would love to feature you at the upcoming meeting - AND, if you submitted a proposal to present at the conference, but weren’t selected, this is your chance to present to your fellow members! Please reach out to me through the Maveryx Community using @Deanna , or feel free to email me at if you may be interested in presenting. We would love to show the members the cool things you do!
@Deanna and the DFW Alteryx User Group Leadership Team
Hi, Maveryx! (Or is it "Maveryxians"?) Please join us for the upcoming June DFW Alteryx User Group meeting, which is tomorrow, Friday, June 30th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. CT!
We will have two excellent guest speakers, who will showcase some very cool aspects of Alteryx:
Our first speaker is Alteryx ACE Arthur Ladwein, Team Lead at The Information Lab in France. Arthur is also a longtime user group leader of the Paris Alteryx User Group, and I have been privileged to co-present with him at Inspire London. Arthur will present expert techniques in how to automate your workflows, as well as create dynamic elements that surpass hard-coding your data!
The next speaker is fellow user group member Jason Brazeal, Price Optimization Specialist at The Reynolds Company. Jason's presentation, "Extend Excel Capabilities with Python + Alteryx", will feature an innovative workflow that provides advanced search and match capabilities that goes well beyond a basic dataset match process. He will also dive into fuzzy matching and explain the various methods utilized, along with describing the Python script.
A Q&A will follow each session; this is your chance to talk with some advanced users and ask those questions you have been wondering about!
Please visit the Events page in our User Group to access the Zoom invitation for the virtual meeting and to RSVP; click "Yes" in the upper right corner for "Will you be attending"? and you can also add the event to your calendar: DFW Alteryx User Group June Virtual Meeting! - Alteryx Community
Thanks to each of you for being a part of our ever-growing DFW Alteryx User Group! We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
Hi, everyone! Just a quick reminder to join our DFW Alteryx User Group meeting at 2:00 p.m. today - to join, please use the following Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 1800 7516
Passcode: 993785
The meeting will be recorded for those who aren't able to attend; thanks, and hope to see you there!