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Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

Welcome to the Dallas-Ft. Worth User Group

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Dallas Alteryx User Group Meeting, Wednesday, May 30th!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

You are invited to our next Dallas Alteryx User Group Meeting, Wednesday, May 30th, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.! 


This user group meeting will be hosted by Ansira, a data-driven marketing analytics firm. For more information on their wide range of services, please visit .


The meeting will be held in the conference room on the 1st floor at the following address:

Galleria Tower 1

13355 Noel Road

Dallas, TX  75240

(This is the same location as the March meeting.)


Our first topic will feature Alteryx use case presentations by Ansira, showcasing their recent work and successes in the software.


The next presentation will feature Dallas' own Margarita Wilshire, Senior Supervisor, Customer Service, Alteryx, providing an in-depth view of Macros:  What Macros are and the 3 different types, and how efficient Macros can be!  


For this meeting, parking in the Yellow Parking Garage near the Galleria 1 Tower will be $10.  (We apologize that parking is unable to be validated for this meeting.)  However, parking at the Galleria is free if you park in the Galleria Blue Parking Lot near the Old Navy / Gap / Banana Republic entrances.  If you park in the Galleria Blue Parking Lot, please go to the 3rd floor of the Galleria to access the Galleria Tower 1 entrance, which is next to Champs. Then take the Galleria Tower 1 elevator down to the 1st floor to the main conference room.


Thank you to Ansira for hosting this upcoming meeting!  Please reserve your spot today using the Eventbrite link below; seating is limited, and our meetings seem to sell out fast!  Come and meet new friends, visit with current ones, and bring your business cards; networking opportunities abound at these meetings!


Please feel free to invite others who are interested in learning more about the many benefits of Alteryx; we look forward to seeing each of you!


@Deanna and the Dallas Alteryx User Group Leadership Team


P. S.  Get ready for the Alteryx Inspire Conference!  Registration is still available: 



Do I need to bring my Eventbrite ticket to the event?

No, we will have your information on the sign in sheet.


What is the dress code?

Business casual and jeans are just fine!




12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, Dallas Alteryx User Group Members!  Just a reminder that our upcoming user group meeting will be next Wednesday, May 30th, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Ansira (Galleria Tower 1)!


Ansira will be presenting a use case in Alteryx, and if you have ever been interested in learning about Macros, Margarita Wilshire of Alteryx will provide an in-depth view!


Please see the Eventbrite invitation for more information and to RSVP: .  Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there!




P. S.  Get ready for Alteryx Inspire in two weeks!  June 4 - 7 in Anaheim, California; it is one of the best conferences available: 

Inactive User
Not applicable

@Deanna Congrats on the ACE Recognition!  Its well deserved!