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DFW Alteryx User Group November Meeting!

Published on ‎11-08-2023 06:00 PM by 12 - Quasar | Updated on ‎11-10-2023 11:53 AM

Meeting ID: 968 9073 6317
Passcode: 590840


Hi, Alteryx User Group Members!  Please save the date for the next DFW Alteryx User Group virtual meeting, which will be Friday, November 17th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Central time!


For this virtual meeting, we will have two excellent guest speakers:  Charlie Blazer from Data Prep U, and Alteryx ACE Treyson Marks from Seek Data.  Both companies are outstanding Alteryx Partners, and to learn more about each, please visit Data Prep U at Home ( and Seek at Seek Data Services - Seek (


Following on the excellent presentation in October's meeting by Alteryx ACE Mark Thomson (regarding Joins and Unions for Excel and SQL Users), fellow Alteryx ACE Treyson Marks, Senior Analytics Engineer at Seek Data, will present a deeper dive into Alteryx For Excel Users.  His presentation will also focus on how to make Alteryx work with formatted Excel, which could be very useful for many users!


Charlie Blazer, Customer Success Manager at Data Prep U, will present, "Data Prep U How To: Alteryx Designer Tips & Tricks".  Charlie's overview of the presentation mentions, "In this session we will begin with introducing the Alteryx Designer in a different light - not just as a "tool" but rather to focus on how it works under the hood.  Understanding how the Alteryx engine works is critical to building the most efficient workflows, using the right tools at the right time, and automating our key processes."  This will be a very cool topic, and it will be exciting to learn more!


Also, please watch for upcoming posts regarding the December user group meeting, which will be earlier in the month to accommodate various Holidays during the season!


Please Register at the top right of this page, and the Zoom link will be revealed after registration.


Thank you all again for your ongoing support of the ever-growing user group!  Coworkers and friends are invited to attend our meetings as well, and we look forward to seeing you on the 17th!


@Deanna and the DFW Alteryx User Group Leadership Team

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Fri, Nov 17, 2023 12:00 PM PST
Fri, Nov 17, 2023 02:00 PM PST
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12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, everyone, and looking forward to the user group meeting tomorrow!  For Charlie's Tips and Tricks session, he will be providing datasets so that members can follow along and build workflows during the session, which is pretty cool!  Please download and unzip the attached file when you have time, if you would like to follow along - thanks, and see you all soon,




cc:  @cblazer 
