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Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

Welcome to the Dallas-Ft. Worth User Group

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DFW Alteryx User Group May Meeting, Friday, May 6th!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, Dallas / Fort Worth User Group Members!  I would like to invite you to our upcoming virtual user group meeting, which will be Friday, May 6th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.!


We have an exciting guest speaker lined up for this month’s meeting:  Loy Engelhardt from Trifacta will be presenting a demo of the platform!  Trifacta recently became a part of Alteryx, and it is an impressive cloud-based data engineering product.  You may have heard about its self-service feature engineering capabilities, and we are thrilled to have Loy present to our user group in advance of the Inspire conference.  This will be an extended presentation, with the opportunity to ask questions directly to Trifacta!


For more information about Trifacta and Alteryx, please visit Trifacta | Alteryx


We will also provide an overview of the annual Alteryx Inspire conference:  This year, the event is a hybrid of an in-person conference in Denver, Colorado from May 16 – 19, and a virtual conference.  In my opinion, this is one of the best data analytics conferences out there, with extensive training and numerous sessions such as keynotes, use cases, product announcements and presentations, and much more, including outstanding networking with fellow Alteryxians!  You can view the lineup of speakers and agenda for Inspire at this link:  The Line Up Agenda | Alteryx


With the new Community Events experience, you can sign-up to attend a meeting with a click of a button!  Please visit the “Events” tab at the top of this page (next to “Home” and “Discussion”) then click on the link in the calendar on the 6thDFW Alteryx User Group May Meeting! - Alteryx Community .  Then simply click "Yes" on the top right corner to RSVP to this event.  There is also an easy way to add the event to your own calendar!


If you have not already become a member the Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX - Alteryx Community User Group, please click the Join Group button so you can stay up to date on current and future meetings.  (It’s free to join!) 


For this month and next, we are moving the meetings forward by one week, to adjust for the upcoming Inspire conference and the Memorial Day weekend.  We are happy to announce that we are considering having our first in-person meeting in over two years for the June meeting, and more information will be posted soon!


Please join us at the upcoming May virtual meeting this Friday, and enjoy an afternoon of learning, discussion, and camaraderie!  Hope to see you there!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, Alteryx user group members!  As mentioned, I am following up with recaps and links to the recordings for many of our meetings earlier this year.  For our May DFW Alteryx User Group meeting recording, please visit this link:
Passcode: g#?sia71


We were privileged to have Loy Engelhardt from Trifacta join our virtual meeting, and present an overview of Trifacta!  With Alteryx Designer Cloud now being powered by Trifacta, it was excellent to have a tour directly from the product team.


John Hollingsworth, Alteryx ACE and spatial expert also joined our call, and presented a talk on "Thinking Spatially from the Ground Up".  In it, he takes us on a journey to explore the SpatialObj data type and new ways of performing spatial analytics!


Thanks again for being a part of our amazing user group, and hope to see you at the next meeting!


