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Calculating % Difference From Previous Week

8 - Asteroid

Hello Everyone,


I am new to Alteryx and was wondering if I could ask for help with a workflow I have. 


I pull from SQL Server to get the orders we have processed from each supplier. I have put together a workflow that gives me a base for what I would like to accomplish. However, I'm stumped by how to add a column in that calculates the difference in orders between Column A and Column B, B being the following week and will be dynamic as more weeks are added.


Also, I am having a little trouble with returning the correct week number, as you can see below (2021-00). I used DateTimeFormat([Act Arr CST],"%Y") +'-'+ DateTimeFormat([Act Arr CST],"%W").


If anyone has any suggestions, can you please provide them?





8 - Asteroid

I believe you can find the solution to your week number in the following post or one of the links there:

Solved: Calculating the week number - Alteryx Community


As for your rolling calculation, do you have a sample of an output that you would like the data to look like?




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Hi @jkv0019 ,


Welcome to Alteryx.  Usually, there are multiple ways to solve a problem with the tool.  Here's my suggestion:


1.  Transpose your data, basically you want your dates to run vertically in a column as opposed to rows.

2.  If the date is not already in a date value, you'll want to change it -- Alteryx reads dates as YYYY-MM-DD.  If your query doesn't already aggregate the data at a week view, you can do so by using the link provided by @Joe_McCoy 

3.  Sort your data, first group by any necessary dimensions -- product group, location, etc.  then sort by week date

4.  Use the multi-row formula to perform a calculation based off the row above [Active Row: Value] - [Row-1:Value] -- or slightly different if you are looking for % change

5.  If desired, add a formula to describe your week date value -- 2021: Week 2 -- parsing the date value or using a datetime formula


One other note, this section of the forum may not get as many views as a more general section --  -- when I have a technical or help question, I post it here -- there are alot of helpful Alteryx users across the world.


Good luck