Hello and welcome to the User Group for Munich!
To get this community started, please take a moment by answering the questions below to introduce yourself!
From my side I am Moritz Pawelke, working at a global professional services firm (KPMG) mainly focused on the Automotive Industry. I currently use Alteryx for basically every data file that has more than two records, for example for data blending and transposing or building proprietary macros for any kind of API that float somewhere out there in the web.
What Alteryx Tool represents me the best?
That’s easy to answer: it’s the RegEx Tool because I love to bring structure into complete chaos. J
I am looking forward to exchanging ideas and sharing best practices with you.
Hallo und herzlich willkommen in der Alteryx User Group für München!
Für einen regen Austausch in dieser Community, würde ich eine kurze Vorstellungsrunde anhand von ein paar Leitfragen vorschlagen:
Um schon mal zu beginnen, eine kurze Vorstellung von meiner Seite: Ich bin Moritz Pawelke und arbeite hauptsächlich mit Fokus Automotive in der Advisory Sparte einer Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft (KPMG). Alteryx kommt bei mir eigentlich bei allem zum Einsatz, das mehr als zwei Datensätze enthält: ob zum Datablending und Transponieren oder um proprietäre Makros für alle Arten von APIs zu bauen, die sich im großen Web tummeln.
Welches Alteryx Tool mich am besten repräsentiert ist einfach zu beantworten: Es ist das RegEx Tool, da ich es liebe Struktur ins Chaos zu bringen.
Ich freue mich auf Eure Ideen, Anregungen und heitere Diskussionen in dieser Community.
Hello Munich Users! The Customer Experience Team put together a short video for you all to show you how excited we are to have you!
Looking forward to seeing what Munich will being to the User Group world!
#HappyHalloween from the @alteryx CX Team! Welcome Houston, Grand Rapids, Bangalore, & Munich User Groups! https://t.co/KSxNVWFLwI
— Lauren Uyeno (@AlteryxLauren) October 31, 2016
my name is Andre Geimer and I am working for Shore - a cloud-based CRM Software for regional merchants. I am a Business Intelligence Manager using Alteryx for mainly Data Blending of usage- and contractual data. We also use it basically for everything that involves more than just a vlookup and it kind of replaced excel for my purposes.
What Alteryx Tool represents me the best?
Well, that is hard question because we are using so many, but I would say a mixture of the join and formula tool as I always need to bring together data from different sources and transform them to a similar format and make them comparable.
Looking forward to meeting you all at a user group meeting. What is the current status of the planning? Is there anything I could help with regards to organizing the event?
Also, great Webinar yesterday Moritz!
Best regards,
my name is Ulrich Schumann and I work in the Energy sector for E.ON Business Services GmbH. I am focused on IT Project Portfolio Management and do the Reporting & Analytics in this area. We have multiple data sources with various formats and need to have a common overview of our Project Porfolio. We therefore use Alteryx for data blending and preparation and Tableau to visualize the data.
The tool that represents me the best is the browse tool. The Alteryx community provides a great variety of information and is a great source to get input/help to come quickly to a solution.
I am looking forward to sharing and discussing ideas with all of you.
Hi @andre_geimer and @ulrich_schumann!
Thank you for your response! I am glad you both are interested in meeting soon! I will get in touch with @moritzpawelke and see if we can set something up for Q1 2017!
I would like to join the Alteryx User Group Munich!
1. I am Jamila Thorpe and work for Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
We distribute films for the physical and digital world.
2. I am really, really, really knew to Alteryx. Since I work with allot of data and have to bring together allot of data Sony themselves have suggested Alteryx to me to make my working day easier.
I can say though, that alltough I have only done a very few little things in Alteryx, I love it already.
3. Perhaps I will have to use this question out as I do not know enough about Alteryx to give a good answer yet.
It is great to hear there is a Munich group.
I am looking forward to exchanging thoughts and experience.