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Coventry-Northampton, UK

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Feb 2019 - Meeting - MongoDB

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi all,


An update for you all on our next meeting on 15th Feb 2019.


Updates from Alteryx.


Learning & Development, we will pledge what we would like to know this time next year within Alteryx as a group to ourselves.


We are going to have Shaan Mistry @ShaanM joining us to explain all about MongoDB. Covering backing up the database, querying the database, best practise and something cool to really think WOW.


Joe Serpis @JS420 will share all with life after Sainsbury's using Alteryx for Keyrus. (to finalise and let us know)


We will have a MOB Alteryx Challenge, where we open up a challenge and we all have 1-2 mins to try and solve it within 20 mins. (depending on numbers, around the timings)


Meeting is at Sainsbury's Head Office at Ansty Park from 11am-1pm.


Looking forward to seeing you there, everyone is welcome, eventbrite link: Join and Transform


All the best,


ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi all, with just over a week to go, I would love to remind you to sign up for the event here:

Join & Transform


Apologies for the dud link in the previous post.


