There are two macros which is XLSB Reader and SheetNameReader macro. XLSB Reader macro and XLSB SheetNameReder macro can run together. And when we use the Microsoft Access driver to read xlsb files, the maximum column is 256 fields and can not also use "Import only the list of sheet names" option. But these macro can be able to do them.
How to use together :
1. You make a folder where you place the xlsb files which you want and copy xlsb files to it.
2. You can drag and drop the XLSB Sheet NameReader macro into the Designer canvas and set the folder to it.
3. You can connect XSLB Reader Macro after the XLSB Sheet NameReader macro.
In other words, do the following.

These macros have two output anchors. D output is for data and S output is for status which the macro run success or fails.
How to get a specific table from data output
1. Select a specific table from Data using Filter tool on Table_UniqueID field
2. Take field names from 1st row of data using Dynamic Rename tool
3. Remove null fields using Data Cleansing tool
4. Sort by RowID using Sort tool