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Cleveland-Akron, OH

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In Case You Missed it: Q2 2019 Cleveland-Akron User Group Recap

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Very interactive and entertaining Q2 Cleveland-Akron User Group on 5/6 at the McIntyre Group in Independence OH!


Thank you to our lead presenter @MarqueeCrew for bringing your insight, enthusiasm,and passion for Alteryx to our group.  Your presentations always Inspire and it was awesome to have @SeanAdams and @patrick_mcauliffe on Zoom as contributors!  Defensive configuration is the name of the game and organizations need to be ready if employees leave, bad workflows jam up the server, and users get unexpected results.


@AlexKo from Alteryx made the cross-country journey that day to join us and show off some of then enhancements that are in the works for Alteryx Community including new languages and enhancements to search.  Very glad you could attend!


Thank you to our hosts, Sarah Pervo and Chris Rimoldi from the Mcintyre group for hosting and providing snacks/catering!


As always thank you to @kgalbert and @CatherineM  for your help in planning and organizing these meetings.


Next user group will be in September.  Have a great summer!  Hope to see you at Inspire!





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thank you so much for the amazing recap @ggruccio ! Wish I could have been in attendance, happy to see all of these great pictures! :)


Looking forward to seeing everyone at Inspire Nashville!!!


-- Cat  

Thanks Cat for sharing. Apologize for my absence, I could not break away from the office.

Mike Dobersztyn

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