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Hello Chicago User-Group Members!
I think it is about time that we have a virtual user-group meet-up next month! Please reply to this post showcasing your interest, best days for the meet-up to occur, and any topics you want to see at the event. Recently I put together a pretty good presentation on 'how to share workflows' which I would be excited present to you all.
I hope to hear from you soon!
Jonathan Shertok
Chicago User-Group Leader
Hi Jonathan - Thanks for sending out the Chicago User-Group bat signal, I'm interested! I'm good with most days/times though hours around lunch (11am to 1:30pmCST) tend to work the best for me. Regarding topics, I'll defer to you as I'm fairly new to Alteryx.
Lets see if we can rally the troops and get a quorum together!
Hi Jon,
I would be interested in a meeting those or next month. Typically around lunch seems to be the easiest time to jump on a call for me, but my timing and day of the week requirements are flexible.
It would be cool to touch on any new quality of life features added since the last update.
Thanks for getting the ball rolling on another meetup!
Thank you for your post!
Hopefully we get more interest so we make thing shindig happen!
Do you have anything that you would want to present?
Hi Jon,
Sounds interesting. I'll join.
Great to hear Snehal! Do you have anything that you would like to see in the event or anything you would like to present?
Thank you!
I don't have any particular concern. Just want to meet more users and explore new use cases.
Hi Jonathan,
I would love to join the Virtual Meet-Up. Has a date or time been nailed down yet?
Looking forward to It!
Conner Smith
Great to hear!
We haven't locked down a date yet as we are still trying to drive engagement - we currently have about four people interested.
Hope to virtually meet you soon!