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Throwback to Last Sunday's meeting (AUG Q2 2020)

11 - Bolide

Hello All,


Hope you all are staying safe and healthy doing these unprecedented times and making the best of the time that you are getting with your family.


While most of us have been through the lockdowns and now in the next phase of monitoring, we at the AUG decided to host the user group meeting virtually on 28th June, 2020.


The meeting started off right on time with @nravik  welcoming all of the participants on the Webex Call and checking on their well-being.


Ravi then went ahead and did the regular housekeeping chores( I guess that is a skill all of us have become a lot better in the recent times) and introducing the User Group leaders.


Ravi then passed it over to me to do the community Updates and give the latest information around the developments at Alteryx back in Denver and the great work that they have been doing be it with the ADAPT program or the recent launch of game changing APA initiative( Read more here - The ADAPT program is another superb initiative that @Dean and team have taken to truly take Analytics to every one of the workforce by providing them with an opportunity of the most relevant tools in the market and get back into the professional workforce as a stronger and smarter performer.


The next section of our meeting was the Use cases presentation and we had the chance to hear to two wonderful use cases presented by @SukantaB and @atcodedog. Read on to know what they had in store for us.


Kiran( @atcodedog ) is a wonderful individual working at Concentrix for over 3 years now and has been one of the finds of the Bangalore User Group of late. Couple of months back , we had thrown a challenge out to create a dashboard to track how we as a User Group are contributing back to the community in terms of solving weekly challenges, posting on other people's queries, blogging and what not.

Kiran took that challenge head on and built what I can call the " Guiding Light" dashboard for the User Group Leaders - a wonderful Tableau Dashboard which tracks comments, posts, solutions of all of our members and where they rank as of today. His Use case presentation was primarily centered around the way he approached the complex problem by breaking that into a set of simple tasks and went about achieving with clockwork precision.

I strongly urge all of you to please go ahead and have a look at his solution here  -


The next presentation was from  Sukanta Biswas, an experienced Analytics Professional working with EY. He elaborated on a wonderful business problem which he solved for a client of his using Alteryx's Spatial tools and the capability to derive insights from Geospatial information retrieved through API calls to Telematic portal. He also highlighted the business benefit it brought to his clients while underlining the importance of various algorithms which help in the analysis of similar problems( KML Production, Nearest Neighbor, etc.)


We hope the audience benefited immensely from both these use case presentations and welcome any of you who has a wonderful story and would like to share with all of us.


The next section was called " Tool- Charades". For the uninitiated, it is a ALTER(ed) version of the classic Dumb- charades that most of us would spent hours playing during long journeys or in fun social events. I took upon the opportunity to communicate using symbols and gestures for people to guess the right tool. The tools the audience was able to guess easily were - Block Until Done, Multi Row Formula, Cross Tab, Running Total ( I completed my daily count of steps showing this.), Checkbox and Image. The tough ones were Tree, Distance, Insight and Heat Map.


I strongly recommend you all to try it in your Virtual AUGs ( @Nezrin  , @SeanAdams , @MarqueeCrew, @avinashsunchu ,@Joe_Lipski  , @NicoleJohnson , @tessaenns , @LaurenU  and we can then have a Best Actor Award in a Silent Movie ).


We ended the session post this fun session to let people continue the fun for the rest of the evening and get charged up for the upcoming week.


Here's hoping that this pandemic ends soon and hopefully by the next AUG, we meet in person and have fun just like old times. <fingers crossed>


Signing off,

Your fellow #Alteryx Addict,


11 - Bolide

Hi Everyone!!


I hope you all are safe.


Just adding to the above post, please find the attached AUG 2020 Q2 deck for your reference to know more about the meet-up.



