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Bengaluru, IN

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Registrations - Bangalore Alteryx User Group Q2 Meeting

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Here we go Bangalore!!


Registrations for our Bangalore Alteryx User Group Q2 Meeting are now OPEN.


Please register using this link: Registration Link


Kindly checkout the agenda on the same link (we have some great sessions, fun activities and off course snacks) and do let us know in case you have questions or suggestions please do let us know.


Looking forward to meet you all in person and have some interesting discussion on Alteryx!


Bangalore Group Leads


AUG Bangalore 1 (1) (1).jpg

Yugandhar Muley (Yug)

Alteryx ACE | Alteryx For Good India Lead | Bengaluru Alteryx User Group Lead
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey - how did this go @ydmuley and @Nezrin ?


Thank you for hosting this, and apologies for missing it!

7 - Meteor
@SeanAdams The event was good. We got a lot of positive feedback and got to interact with fellow Alteryx users. The speaker series had some interesting business cases that were discussed in detail. Overall a very good and learning experience :)
12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hello @SeanAdams completely agree with Sharon @scolaco the event was a huge success and @Nezrin is working on the draft to post over here. Stay tuned for some cool photos and feedback analytics by @SubratDas5

Yugandhar Muley (Yug)

Alteryx ACE | Alteryx For Good India Lead | Bengaluru Alteryx User Group Lead
11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

@SeanAdams We really missed you! Here is a glimpse of the event:


Alteryx ACE | Sydney Alteryx User Group Lead | Sydney SparkED Contributor