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Hi all,
Does Alteryx support Sql server Cubic data? Won't there be any performance issues while developing a workflow?
Kindly please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
B. Sreenivasa Teja.
If your questions is - if Alteryx provides a way to connect to SSAS Cubes , then the answer is no.
However, one of our Alteryx users wrote a custom Macro to achieve this. You can find more information here.
There are a few steps involved to make this work but it is worth it. I have tried it myself and I was able to get data from my cube using Alteryx. Remember to make this work you will need to be able to write MDX queries.
Yes, it is tedious to fetch data from cubes but as long as you can write basic MDX queries, the above solution should be more than handy.
Let me know if this doesn't answer your question.
"Keep Alter-ing Lives"
Hi Raghav,
Thank you for your response.
But, is there any alternate way on connecting to SSAS Cube data to Alteryx other than that macro?
Kindly please let me know.
Your answer is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
B. Sreenivasa Teja.
As far as I know, using the Macro is the only way to connect to Cube using Alteryx.
However you can use other tools like Power BI/Tableau to directly connect to the cube.