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More than 95% of the participants think that the event was very well organized.
The participants of the AUG meet were from different domains – Retail, Supply Chain, E-commerce, Consulting. Sherin(@scolaco) and Abhishek Pandit also introduced us to the social sector with Alteryx For Good and explained us the domain and technical aspects.
Now let me get the key item –feedback. The feedback URL was shared at the end of the presentation and all of us were glued to our mobile screens for the next 5 mins to fill out our hearts on the form. Thanks a lot, @Nezrin for creating the structure and the apt questions.
My analysis is split up into the following sections.
First up, How did we do?
Most of the participants (95%) thought we have set up the meeting to their satisfaction level and their first impression was it was organized very well. We split the feedback into four categories and here’s what the numbers looked like. Most of the participants liked the use cases and the relevant knowledge shared as part of the sessions and also were happy about the new technical knowledge that they got.
Hits and Misses
What we did well – Highlighted many practical use cases and Sharon introduced AFG (Alteryx For Good) in the session which gave the attendees a sense of who we can use expertise on Alteryx for societal benefit.
What should we work on – some improvements on the food arrangements and also organizing a specific section on new tools and work on the marketing the event slightly better?
The next section is called Ratings.
Metric1-Registration process- The session was rated either 4 or 5 on this parameter, more than 60% rating it as 5
Metric2- Conference venue and facilities— The session was mostly rated either 4 or 5 on this parameter, more than 60% rating it as 5.
Metric3- Relevance of conference contents- Most of the participants suggested that the contest organized by Rusheen(@rusheen2r) and Vaibhav. It was hands down the most fun section of the event and enlightening too. I want to know seriously try the game and maybe we can do an internal gaming contest on it. :)
Metric4- Providing a forum for exchanging information and ideas with other participants– The session was mostly rated either 4 or 5 on this parameter, more than 60% rating it as 5.
Metric5- Quality of presentations-The quality of presentations was rated 4 or 5 by more than 70% of the participants.
Pointers for Future Sessions:
What else can we do?
Most participants want us to do more use-cases and also technical training sessions which gives them some more insights into the product.
How does the format of this meet compare with another Alteryx users' meet that you have attended in the past?
90% of our participants agree that it was in the format of other Alteryx Users’ meet that they have attended.
Looking forward to incorporating all the feedback pointers and surely make the next one a grander event and hope to get most of you in the room. Keep watching this space for the next meet.
Last but not the least, a big THANK YOU to all the participants for taking time from their Sunday and being there for the event.
Looking forward to seeing more of you at the next meet.
Till then, Hasta la Vista.
@SubratDas5 This is such an amazing recap! Thank you so much for sharing. I know I wish I could have been there, and I can't wait to start thinking about the next meeting for Q3!
You folk are doing a great job - great to see it!