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Hello Bangalore Alteryx Friends !!
As we continue to monitor the rapidly changing situation surrounding the coronavirus – COVID-19 – We have planned to host the Q1 AUG Meet Virtually in the benefit of all the participants.
Please find the below revised details of the event with additional details for the meetup.
Venue: WebEx
Meeting ID : 927 841 960
Meeting Password: MPiJXgv3D88
Phone (India toll): +91-80-6480-2006
Link: Join meeting
3:00 PM to 3:10 PM - Introduction and Welcome
03:10 PM - 03:30 PM - Guest Speaker Journey with Alteryx
03:30 PM - 04:00 PM - Use Case Presentations
04:00 PM - 04:30 PM - Fun Games, AFG Updates followed by Q&A
Have Questions? Shoot an email to any of the following contacts:,
Thank you !!
@Manjunath @ydmuley @MaddieJ @TuvyL @ToriA @SeanAdams @MarqueeCrew @LaurenU @Nezrin @scolaco @SubratDas5 @Sindhu1 @viveksahoo @Ashwathnkamath @rusheen2r @princejindal @Krisha @LeahK @vinutha @princejindal @scolaco @PShah93 @Sindhu1 @santoshigs11 @Aakriti @lahotynilesh @despri @palakjindal
Hi @nravik , will the meeting still take place on 22 March?
Hi @LaurenU ,
Yes, we will be hosting the meeting on 22nd March 2020. Sorry, missed adding the date 🙂
Time : 3:00PM to 4:30 PM