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Austin, TX

Welcome to the Austin User Group

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Q1 2021 User Group Meetings

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hey all,


Excited to start a new year with everyone! Hope you all are as excited as the leaders are to get back into User Groups this year! We are announcing both the Austin User Group meeting for Q1 as well as the NA Central User Group meeting for Q1. 


The Austin User Group will be a great 1 hour meeting with a use case discussion as well as a fun bit of networking time where we will all get a chance to interact with one another. It will be great fun on February 26th! Hopefully you can all join us! You can sign up here: 



The NA Central Group will be meeting on March 4th for a fun Alteryx update and then we will do a great hands-on challenge during the meeting! Another great chance to network and work through some fun data challenges! You can sign up for the NA Central group here:


Look forward to seeing everyone at both groups!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Just a reminder to everyone that our NA Central Q1 Meeting is tomorrow!


It will be a great meeting with Nicole Johnson (a fellow Alteryx ACE) presenting and then a hands-on session doing several different weekly challenges. There will be a spatial, beginner macro, and intermediate advanced macro focuses.


Hope to see you all there!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for the reminder @cplewis90 ! If anyone is interested in the spatial focus, @Deanna who leads up the Dallas-Ft. Worth group is currently seeking feedback on which spatial weekly challenge to review during the meeting. 


Feel free to express your opinion here. 

6 - Meteoroid

I did not recognize the invitation. Where can I sign up? Thanks!
