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Austin, TX

Welcome to the Austin User Group

Click in the JOIN GROUP button to follow our news and attend our events!

Meetup for lunch at Inspire - Wednesday, May 18th!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, user group members!  I lead the Dallas / Fort Worth user group, and Chris Lewis mentioned that I may post this information about meeting at Inspire:  For anyone who is at the conference this week, we would like to have an informal meetup during lunch on Wednesday, May 18th!  The lunch for all attendees is scheduled for 12:00 noon Mountain Time, and we will plan to meet at one or more tables in the lunch area at that time.  Please look for me, as well as for ACE Charlie Squyers (he is much taller than I am :) ) and it would be great to sit together for a Texas user group lunch!


Thanks, and I am looking forward to meeting as many of you in person as possible!  Enjoy the conference!



7 - Meteor

Hi Deanna,

Any chance there will be a user meetup over the summer here in Austin? I sure would love to meet others and learn from them!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @lynnekilgore. The Austin User Group leaders ( and  ) will be planning the Q3 meeting soon and you should receive a notification when the event is posted here. Stay tuned! 

Flávia Brancato